Michael Conor

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Kayci's POV:

Another day, and all I can think about are the mixed messages I keep getting from Michael.

It’s driving me crazy. He’ll walk past my classroom and wink, or smirk and then wave, but as soon as I’m in class with him, he won’t even look at me. Does he know he’s torturing me?

Today is friday, and it’s a long weekend coming up. I won’t see him - or anyone from school - until Tuesday. Homeroom is as normal, and he’s not in my homeroom, so I’ll only see him later in English and Math. Sigh.

Soon enough, a few bludge lessons -which consisted of me listening to music- later, and it was time for English.

As we are currently doing a memoir in class, I chip away at it and occassionally look up to see Michael looking at me, but when we lock eyes, and I smile, he blushes and looks away.

This is a regular thing for him, and he does it every lesson. It makes me unfortunately aware that today is going to be just like all the others.

It’s so frustrating! Why can’t he just talk to me? A simple ‘hi’ and math be happy. Ughh boys suck.

Just then the bell goes, to signify the end of the lesson and the beginning of lunch. As the rest of the class pack up, Michael takes his time, eyeing me carefully.

When I stand up, he does the same, and when I finally make it towards the door, he rushes to get there so that we walk out at the same time.

We end up walking next to each other all the way to our locker area, but, as per typical Michael, we don’t say a word to each other.

I grab my lunch and sit down opposite the lockers with Becky, it’s so good to have her around. Knowing our luck, at the beginning of the year, we learned that we don’t have any lessons together other than homeroom, so we make the most of lunch.

“I don’t know what’s with him, Becky,” I begin, “It’s like he wants to talk to me and stuff but he doesn’t. He’ll do something really sweet but then not say anything to me.”

“I hate mixed messages so much!” she replies. “I mean, guys just need to grow a pair and go after their girls!”

I nod, and begin to eat my lunch, so does Becky.

After lunch it’s time for maths. Although it’s not my best subject, I somehow got placed in extension math.

Most of my friends are in my class, and so is Michael. I sit down in my usual seat and Ryan sits next to me. 

Ryan and I had been friends for a few years now and he was one of my closest friends so we goof around a lot. Mr.Johnson doesn’t seem to mind though, because we usually get some work done.

It’s become a bit of a tradition for Ryan to sit next to me in Math, because it’s one of the few subjects we have together, and having a guy friend around really helps ‘cos they’re not into the bullcrap and gossip that girls get into. It’s simple and a bit of fresh air.

“And how art thou, Kayci?” Ryan asks, taking a seat next to me.

“Not bad, yourself?” I ask back. He smiles.

“Yeah, I’m alright. Did you do the homework?”

“Oh crap!” I reply, realising that I’d been so busy writing some of my memoir last night that I hadn’t done any maths homework. “Nope, I completely spaced.”

“It’s alright, I’ll hide mine and we can pretend that we were busy doing another partner project together, okay?” Ryan says.

I nod. I mentally thank him for getting me out of yet another one. He’s such an amazing friend.

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