Chance Perez

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Requested By: izzy29bvm

Izabella's Pov:

My boyfriend Chance just got home from touring on the Jingle Ball Tour. And I really miss him.

He just got back yesterday so I decided to go to his house and surprise him.

I go downstairs and get in my car and start driving to Chance's house.

Once, I get there I walk inside and see him, Brooklyn his daughter, and Emma her mom laying on the couch sleep.

So I decided to go into the kitchen because I saw Chance's mom in there.

"Hey Isabella" Chance's mom says

"Hey Mrs. Perez," I say back

"What are you doing here? , you know Chance is sleep right?" Mrs. Perez says

"Yeah I just wanted to surprise him since I haven't seen him in months," I say

"Oh Ok," Mrs. Perez says

"Izabella, what are you doing here?" Chance says

"I'm here to surprise you, babe," I say

"Why didn't you invite me over?" I ask

"Because I wanted to spend time with my family" Chance says

"So I'm not apart of your family?" I say

"I never said that I just said I wanted to spend time with my family that's all" Chance says

"Stop being so dang clingy please," Chance says

"Clingy?" I say

"I'm not being clingy sorry I Haven't seen you in for 6 months and now I want to spend time with you I'm clingy?" I say

"And you said I'm not apart of the family, which I THOUGHT I was. But since I'm not I have three words for you. I say

" We Are Done," I say

Then I walk out of his house not looking back. I can't believe that the surprise visit turned to me and Chance breaking up.

Once I get home I just go into my room and cry, just cry.


•One Week Later•

It had been 5 days since you had talked to Chance. Your heart still ached for him and you still cried yourself to sleep every night. You wished he was home to hold you in his arms and comfort you. Messed up, isn't it? You yearned for the boy who broke your heart into a million pieces. You wished he would call or text, but he never did.

You had just gotten out of the shower when you heard a knock at the door. "Just a second!" you yelled, rushing to pull on your shorts and t-shirt. You ran to the door with your wet hair dripping onto the floor and your dry shirt.

"Izzy!" Drew said smiling.

"Drew, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Sacramento?" you answered back.

"Yea, but the boys and I thought a visit to you was needed..." he explained.

Great, you thought. This has to be about Chance. "Okay, Come on in," you told him.

You both walked in and Drew smiled at you. "Did you just get out of the shower?" he asked.

Rolling your eyes and smiling you answered yes and gave him a hug. No matter how much you hated Chance at the moment, the other boys had become big brothers to you and you were happy to see Louis.

"So, how've you been?" Drew cautiously asked.

"Um....I've been good" you lied. Drew raised an eyebrow and looked at you. He probably noticed your eyes were red and puffy from crying but didn't say anything.

"Well Chance has been a mess," he told you. "He just lays around all day. He hasn't been sleeping, and he cries anytime someone mentions you. He is only at sound checks cause he has to be, and he isn't the same happy Chance he normally is on stage." Drew looked at me and waited for your response.

"I don't know what to tell you" you answered. tears were forming in your eyes and you looked at the floor. It felt good to know Chance was just as bad as you were, but it also hurt.

Drew noticed the tears and walked over to you and gave you a tight hug. "Izzy, why don't you tell me what happened between you two.."

You nodded and sat on the couch with your knees tucked into your chest. " Chance hadn't called or texted me all day last week and I didn't think much of it cause I know how busy you guys are. I decided to facetime him later that night and when he answered he told me that he couldn't talk to me we broke up.

~The Next Day~

I'm watching T.V when all of a sudden I get a knock at the door. I open it up and see that it's Chance.

"What are you doing here?" I say

"I wanted to talk you," Chance Says

"Well talk," I say

"I'm sorry Izzy I didn't mean that you were not family you are," Chance says

"Well it hurt my feelings Chance it really did," I say

"And why haven't you text me either?" I say

"Don't start with me?" Chance says

"What do you mean don't start with you I just asked you a simple question," I say

"SHUT UP PLEASE," Chance says

"Fine then get out," I say

"Babe I'm sorry"Chance says

Then while I was in the middle of talking he cuts me off with a kiss.

"Babe I'm so so sorry" Chance says

"It's ok I forgive you," I say

"Netflix and cuddling?" Chance asks

"Sure baby," I say

So the rest of the night I and Chance just watched movies and cuddled until I fell asleep on him. I'm really glad I forgave this boy, I really do.

I hope you liked it Izabella, Thanks for requesting and voting it means a lot. I will talk to ou guys tomorrow.

Love you guys to the moon and back


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