Brady Tutton

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Your Pov:

"Brady I don't know about this!" I call out to my best friend who has decided that it's in his best interest to teach me to ice skate. We were in English when our teacher had brought up ice skating, I turned to Brady and whispered that I had never ice skated. He looked back at me completely shocked and said to me in a very stern, yet joking voice that after school we were going to the ice arena and he was going to help me skate whether I liked it or not.

"Come on Y/N!" Brady calls back from the middle of the arena where he has positioned himself. I, however, are still clutching desperately to the edge and praying that I don't fall over or run into anyone.

"You know, it's not that important," I begin, "We can wait!"

He groans and skates back to me. "Y/N, I am trying to do a favor for you and I can't show you the wonders of skating when you're clutching for dear life against the edge."

I nod. "I think you are seriously underestimating my clumsiness."

He laughs. "Okay well if we fall then I will simply pick you up and we will continue, alright?"

I nod. "Still scared. Don't blame me for the broken bones you're gonna get as a result."

He laughs again. "I highly doubt that will happen. Okay, so what I need you to do is to grab my hands and I'm just going to gently pull you to the center."

I nod and grab his hands. I can feel my legs shaking and I'm freaking out, but I trust Brady so I'll be okay. I'm sure.

We get to the middle and he smiles. "See that wasn't so bad now was it?"

"Not yet," I reply, making him laugh.

"Now, the motion you need to do with your feet is left stride, then right stride, okay?" he continues.

"How are you so good at this?" I ask, giggling.

He smiles. "Lots of practice."

Brady starts drifting away from me and I start doing the motion he told me with my feet. I move quite easily and find that I'm gaining speed. Soon I've caught up with Brady and he grabs one of my hands. "See, you're a natural."

I smile at him, and we continue skating, him a lot more easily than me. A slow song starts to play and some couples around us start dancing, or at least, as close to dancing as they can get whilst on skates.

Brady smiles at me but instead of us dancing as well, we continue skating around the arena. "Hey Y/N," he begins, "Let's try something fun."

I nod, slightly unsure but still willing to have a go, like I said, I trust Brady explicitly so I know he'll take care of me.

He starts skating faster and faster and my legs follow his lead. Soon we are traveling around the entire arena double the speed of before, so I close my eyes, feeling free.

"Y/N watch out!" Brady calls, and I quickly open my eyes, seeing that I'm about to run into a couple in front of us. Brady pulls me towards him but he catches me at a bad angle and we end up both falling over. After much tumbling, we end up lying on the floor; me on top of him.

He looks up at me and looks worried, but I simply giggle. Soon, he joins in and we are giggling uncontrollably on the ice.

"Y/N I'm so sorry."Brady begins "I just wanted to make you have fun, not hurt you."

I laugh. "Brady I am fine and I did have fun, just being with you."

He smiles shyly. "Y/N, I've wanted to ask you this for a while but I never thought the time was right.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Brady asks, looking away, obviously nervous.

"Of course I will Brady," I reply, resulting in him kissing me on the lips, slowly and passionately, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

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