When Their Sleepy

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Michael: Michael’s pretty stubborn and often won’t admit that he’s tired, especially if he’s just got back from tour. The two of you end up eating in front of the TV, and when Michael had finishes eating he tends to rest his head on your shoulder. “I missed you, princess,” he’ll yawn. “I missed you too, my handsome prince,” you reply, leaning your head on top of his, as you both fall asleep in front of the telly.

Chance: Chance always got really cuddly when he was sleepy. You’d be sitting in front of the telly or lying in bed and he’d just snuggle up real close to you, his head resting perfectly against your shoulder. Honestly, it was one of your favourite moods on him, because it meant you could just sit there, your arms wrapped round each other and not even have to speak. You’d fallen asleep on the couch next to each other countless times because you were too happy cuddling to move to your bed.

Brady: Brady is like a puppy when he’s tired. He’ll lounge about, stretching and yawning until you eventually tell him he should probably go to bed. “Only if you’ll come up with me,” he’ll say with heavy eye-lids and a pout on his lips. How could you say no to that?

Sergio: As always, Sergio would still be a chatterbox when he was tired, but his rambles would get more emotional, talking about his mum, siblings or how much he loves you. This is the best moment to get Sergio to watch a soppy movie with you, although he’d normally start snoring about halfway through.

Drew: Normally Drew would be even quieter when he was sleepy, and often just wandered round the house, following you as you cleaned up from whatever you had been doing. You gave up asking what was up when he started doing this and, without words, would head to the bedroom knowing he’ll follow.

I hope you guys enjoyed this Preference. I will see you guys with a brand new imagine.

QOTD- How do you guys act when your tired?


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