Chance Perez

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Requested By: brxannalucxa

"Make some noise for Brianna Lucia" The Mc shouts into the Mic

But as soon as I was walking on stage my tooth started to hurt. Like a really vas toothache.

I instantly go back stage and sit back down. "Brianna what's wrong?" My manger asks. "My teeth is aching really bad, like really bad" I said.

"Well let me take you to the dentist to get your teeth checked out because you cant6 peform in this condition" My manger says

So he goes back out on stage to inform the Mc that I will not be performing right now because of my teeth.

Then he comes back out and then we leave the venue and get into a car where I'm being driven to the local dentist.

After about 20 minutes we finally get there. "Brianna you ready let's go." My manger says. "Ready as I'll ever be" I said

Then we walk into the dentist and literally no one is there except me. So I go into the waiting room to wait until my name gets called.

"Brianna" The receptionist called. So I get up out of my chair to walk over to where my dentist was at.

I go into the dentist office and he asks me what's wrong? So I explained how I was about to go on stage and my tooth started to ache really bad.

So he takes a flashlight and mirror and puts it into my mouth to look at my teeth. "So when is the last time you been to the dentist?" The dentist asks. "I go ever year so 1 year ago" I say.

Then after he gets done looking in my mouth he tells me that I have a cavity that he needs to fill in in order for the pain to stop.

So he puts my chair back and the he grabs the stuff that they use to fill in cavities. And starts to fill in my cavity.

About 15 minutes later he finishes with my teeth.

"What's your name?" I ask

"My name is Drew, Dr Drew." He says

"Oh ok thanks for fixing my teeth" I say

"No problem Brianna" Drew says

Then I exit the office finally after about 2 hours just waiting to get my teeth fixed and then getting my teeth fixed.

"Josh I'm ready to go" I say

And then he is still looking down at his phone.

"Josh" I say louder and very annoyed

And then after I say that he finally looks up from his phone.

"Oh I'm sorry Brianna" Josh says

"It's fine can we just go now please?" I ask

"Yeah, yeah sure" Josh says

Then we leave the building finally and get into the car and he drives me home.

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