Chance Perez

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Your Pov:

School Football Games are literally the most tedious things on the planet. There are one reason and one reason only that I'm going. Chance. I know, it's stupid and it sounds cliche, but I can't help it. He's perfect, amazing. He's not on the team, but he always comes to support the jocks that are, isn't that just so sweet?

I am currently sitting at our usual lunch spot with my two best friends, Cindy and Marie. I'm eating some skittles; a nervous habit of mine, when Chance and his 'popular' friends come over. "So, you ladies coming to the footy game tonight?"

Cindy and Marie nod. The boy's smirk. "Alright, see you their girls."

My friends giggle and Chance looks over at me, as his friends walk off, not moving. " Chance you coming,?"

He nods. "Yeah, I'll be there in a sec."

His eyes don't move from me, it's like they're locked. "Umm, Y-Y/N," he begins, I nod. "Are you coming tonight?"

I nod. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

He smiles adorably. "Okay, I'll see you there."

I nod. He smiles again and waves, catching up with his friends.

"Oooh, Y/N's got a loverboy!" Cindy begins.

Marie laughs. "That's never happened before!"

"Oh shut up," I begin, even though it's true. I've never had a boyfriend, I guess I've been too caught up admiring Chance from afar that I hadn't taken much notice of other guys, but I guess that all paid off if he feels the same. I really hope he does. I guess I'll just have to see at the football game tonight.

*The Football Game*

As the game progresses, I note where Chance and his friends are, and where we are. We're only a bleacher away. Luckily for me, we're just far enough that we can't hear what they're saying and they can't hear us. I can't help but admire Chance from afar. The way he stands kind of awkwardly because he's taller than his friends, the way he bites his lip when he's concentrating, the way his shirt falls, just enough to show off his muscled back and arms.

"Haha, look, Cindy, Y/N's staring lovingly at her boyfriend." Marie begins, jokingly. It's a fun game we play with each other. We're so close that teasing like this is common, almost as common as general dialogue.

"Aww, that's adorable." Cindy adds, "You should so talk to him Y/N."

"He's not my boyfriend." I reply, "I wish. Besides, he's talking to his friends."

But as I look over, I see him blushing and walking towards me. "H-Hi Y/N."

*A Few Minutes Earlier*

Chance's Pov:

I look over at where Y/N is standing with her friends, they seem to be talking and having a great time. She's so perfect, with her long Y/H/C hair, her beautiful Y/E/C eyes. I notice the crinkles by her eyes when she smiles, the way she laughs, her adorable giggle and the dimple that is ever-present on her right cheek. I wish she liked me. I wish I had a chance.

" Chance, Chance !" I hear Phil call, as he waves a hand in front of my face to get my attention. "Geez mate, snap out of it. What's got you all tongue-tied?"

"It's a girl." Matt adds, "Must be. We all know how girl-crazy Chance gets."

"Shut up." I retort. "You guys are ridiculous. Besides, I don't even have a chance with her."

"So it is a girl." Phil teases, "Now you gotta tell us who."

"It doesn't matter."

"Is it Y/N?" Phil asks, a smirk on his face and eyebrows raised?

I nod. "But see what I mean? No chance."

"I don't know man, you gotta give it a try." Matt adds, "This could be a two-way feeling."

I nod. "You guys know me though, even if I could ask her out, I'm way too shy, especially around her. And then I get this stupid stutter because she's literally the definition of perfect."

"You need to go ask her out. Right now." Phil replies. "We're here for you if it goes wrong. Which I can guarantee you it won't."

"Okay." I begin, the butterflies already starting. "Thanks."

I turn around and Phil pats me on the back before I make my way over to Y/N nervous as hell. "H-Hi Y/N."

"Oh, hey Chance," she replies, smiling at me. I notice a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Can I maybe possibly talk to you privately?"

"Yeah, sure?" she asks, smiling but with an unsure look on her face. I grab her hand and ignore the sparks I feel while walking her over behind the bleachers.

"What did you want to talk about?" she asks, smiling big.



"Yeah, us," I reply. "Look, Y/N, I've liked you for a really long time now. I know you probably don't feel the same way but please, just let me get this out. You're one of those girls that don't think she's beautiful and doesn't listen when other's tell her. But to me, you're my whole world. You're my first thought when I wake up, and my last thought when I go to sleep. You're my everything. If I had a dollar for every time I thought of you, I'd only have one because you've never left my mind. I know it will never happen between us and we'll probably be all awkward now but I- I think I'm in love with you."

" Chance I-" she begins, "I never thought I'd hear you say that. I've liked you ever since I can remember. You were everything to me. I always thought us being together was out of reach. Impossible. But I craved, hoped and prayed for it every single day. Y/C/N I love you too, and I'd love more than anything for us to be together."

My mouth drops. The most perfect, beautiful girl on the planet wants to be my girlfriend. "Y/N, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"

She nods, a single tear dripping down her cheek. I tuck a single strand of hair behind her ear, look deep into her eyes, and use my thumb to wipe away what I can only assume is a happy tear. "I've been waiting to do this."

"Then do it," she replies smiling,

I nod, cupping her face and kissing her ever so tenderly. Pouring all my love and emotion into the kiss. This, by far, is the best day of my life.

Disclamer: These names were chosen at random, they were the frist names that came into my head. So sorry if I used your name.

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