Brady Tutton

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This was absolutely going to be the best day of your life. Your school decided to do a fundraiser to go to Disneyland. Usually you weren't really into donating because it was hard to sell them to your family. But your whole group of friends wanted to go, so you asked around your family until you had enough money. As you sat on the bus early, ready for the day, you contemplated who was going to sit next to you.

You really wanted to sit next to Brady, but you were sure he was going to sit with his /b/g/f. It made you jealous, surely. You couldn't help that.

As people started storming into all the buses, you spotted Brady and as you suspected, he sat by h/b/g/f. Your face fell, but soon turned up as you saw y/f.

"Ready for the best day ever!" She sat down happily, giving the best smile.

All the while you start laughing at her peppiness." As long as you don't scream your head off while I'm on the ride."

You both join in a fiddle of laughter until unbeknownst to you, y/c stands right in front of your seats.

"Mind if I sit by y/n?" He asks y/f.

Both you and y/f gawk at the proposal." Well, yes." Y/f says bluntly.

"Oh come on!"Brady says, begging.

Your eyes widen more. As your eyes connect, he smiles a bit. His cheeks turning pink a bit.

"I thought you were sitting with h/b/g/f?" Y/f speaks.

The smile that was on your face diminished at her name. He only wanted to sit with you because she probably wanted to sit by someone else. " Yeah, well I've changed my mind, and not because of the reason that your probably thinking." He says steadily as he eyes your expression change. He knew what your thinking. He knew all about how you over thought everything." I just want to sit by y/n." He begged furthermore.

Y/f thought a bit, she knew you still had feelings for him, you just didn't want to admit them. As she's thinks, she shrugs her shoulders. "Fine! I'll go find Bethany to sit with."

Brady jumps joyously as they switch places.

A smile displayed on your cheeks as you silently thanked y/f.

Your eyes connected with y/c and he just looked as happy as you.

"Wait... Why did you want to sit by me again?" You really wanted to know.

He hesitated before he answered then hits a beat." I made this new playlist and I really wanted you to listen to it."

"Oh, I'm sure. You just can't handle my beauty." You say in a valley girl voice as you joke with him.

"Well you are beautiful."

"What?" You turn your face towards him with a wild expression.

"Huh?" His smile still creeping up his face.

You looked at each other with pure happiness as is radiated off each other. And before you know it, you push his shoulder playfully trying to play it off." You're a dork."

For the rest of the bus ride you both shared his earbuds as you listened to his new playlist that he created. You talked in between songs, praising him, with a few banter here and there. All the songs were amazing and you were mildly impressed.

You felt compelled to lean your head to his shoulder like in the movies, but you decided against it, since you felt that would be a bit to awkward.


As your bus finally stopped, your arrival finally coming, all the kids were cheering. This was it. The best day ever. Or at least you hope it was.

All of you piled out all the buses. Someone from behind you pushed you, and you almost tumbled down the aisle, until Brady grasped your waist pulling you up." Are you okay?" He asks with full of concern.

"Yeah." You gasp. His hands were still on your waist, and he wasn't taking them off.

As you walked down the stairs Brady let go of you making you have a chill down your spine. You saw your crew all around you and your excitement was on fire. You turn back about to say something to Brady, but you saw him go to h/b/g/f as she screams his name to beckon him.

He looks back at you, and you give a small smile. You go back to your friends and you start heading towards the entrance with your tickets in hand.

As you finally walked through the park, everything was at ease at once, but you couldn't shake Brady. You were ranting to y/f the whole ordeal.

"Wow what a dick for leaving you." Y/f says.

"I just don't know anymore-" You step on your own shoelaces and once again almost land face first, but someone grabs you and pulls you to them.

You look up and see it's Brady." Wow y/n, I guess you're falling for me. Literally." He says with a cheeky smile.

His hands still grazed your waist and you wanted to just engulf yourself in him, but you just laugh and pull yourself away from him.

"Brady! Let's go to space mountain!" You heard h/b/g/f. She pulls his arm toward the land of futures. Once again you will be separated.

Brady saw your face and how it fell, he didn't comment on it." Where are you guys going?" He asks you instead.

"We were heading to the Pirates of the Caribbean."

His face contemplated until he took his arm out of h/b/g/f grasp." I'm going with y/n." He mumbles to her.

"Oh. I'll see you later then." H/b/g/f says. She winks at him in a somehow inside joke of some sorts.

He walks towards you with his cheeks pink with embarrassment." Can I tag along?"

"Sure." You give him a small smile.


The day was filled with everything fun and amazing. Brady couldn't stop putting his hands on you. He kept randomly hugging you, which wasn't normal for you. But you weren't complaining. All of your friends kept snickering silently about it all.

By the end of the night, you were so tired.

He sat with you again on the bus. He took out his phone again and put on his playlist. Brady gave you the earbud, and without saying anything you grab it automatically.

You lay your head down on the seat, closing your eyes a bit. Soon before you know it, your head rested on his shoulder.

You felt Brady eyes on you, and you thought this would be hella awkward when you lift your head. But instead of it being so, he rests his head on yours.

Yeah, best day ever.

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