Michael Conor

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Requested By: Avera68

Third Person Pov:

It was a sunny Friday in Los Angeles. You were bored, sitting in your couch while scrolling down YouTube looking for ideas for your channel.

You looked up and saw your best friend Chance, sitting at the table and drinking juice.

“Hey Chance” you said getting up and going to the cabinets to grab a mug.

“What’s up?”

“I was wondering if you could help me to think video ideas” you asked while your coffee was serving.

“Yeah, of course. What about… A prank?” He said.

“A prank? Who am I going to prank?” You asked a little confused.

“Me” he said sarcastically “Your boyfriend, stupid”.

“Okay, what do you suggest?”

“I don’t know, search couple pranks in YouTube and feel inspired. Plus, Michael falls to easy.


You searched a few minutes a found one.

“Chance!” You yelled standing up “I think I found one!”

“Yeah?” He asked running down stairs.

“The hickey prank!” You said excited and he smirked.

“Yes! But, how are you doing it?” He asked and you sat him down in the couch.

“First of all, I’m making a fake hickey with makeup and record it so he will believe me. Second of all, I’m going to ask him to film a ‘Boyfriend Tag’ with me and he’ll see it. And last but not least, when he ask me what I did all day I’m indirectly going to make him think you gave it to me” you explained,out of breath.

‎"Woah, that’s amazing. Okay so we were all day together and doing our YouTube stuff" he said and you nodded.


"Chance! It looks like a hickey?“ you asked looking to the camera and he entered your room.

‎"Omg he’s going to freak out. It looks so real, how?!” He said and you giggled.

‎"He is coming! Go and act natural"

‎After letting Michael rest a few minutes, you decided to film the 'tag’.

‎"Okay guys so next question is: do you want to have babies with Angelica?“ you said raising and eyebrow since you knew the answer and moved you hair so he’ll see it.

‎"Yes, I do but not now. We’re too young” he said an kissed you on the cheek.

When he pulled away you saw that he noticed.

“Angelica? What is that in your neck?” he asked pointing at the hickey and you touched your neck trying to act confused.

“What are you talking about?” You said, going to get a mirror.

“It looks like a bruise, what did you do?” He asked and you acted all nervous.

“Umm.. I… Oh! I burned myself with my straightener this morning” you said and he glared at you.

“Your hair is not straigh, Angelica. Tell me the truth, what did you do today while I wasn’t home?” He asked a little mad.

“I.. Uh.. I was just doing this YouTube stuff with Chance, you know… Editing” you said scratching your neck.

“Tell me the dang true! Is that a hickey on your neck?!” He yelled pissed.

“What? You gave me a hickey?” You asked and he denied.

“No, I didn’t. And that is not a burn” he said.

“I just, I was all day with Chance. Ask him” you said playing with your fingers.

“Are you cheating on me?” He asked almost in tears and you took his face.

“No babe, of course not! I was all day with him, ask him” you said and he got up.

You saw him going to the living room where you left a hiding camera.

“Chance, was Angelica here all day with you?” He asked.

Chance started pretending he was a little nervous too.

“I.. Yeah, yeah” Michael narrowed his eyes.

“Oh yeah? So, what was she doing?” he asked and this was the moment when he had to convince him that he gave me the hickey.

“She… Umm” he scratched his neck “We watched movies”

“Of course…” Michael said and stormed off.

“Babe, what did he say?” You asked and he didn’t look at you so you looked at the camera and tried not to laugh.

“Wait, so you were here… All day?” He asked

“Yes, I told you. I was all day by Chance's side I never left or invited anyone” then you saw something click in his head because his eyes changed.

“ARE YOU TWO KIDDING ME?!” he said yelling and you knew he had fallen.

“What? What are you talking about?” you said acting scared and kept glancing towards Chance.

Michael put his hands in his face and stayed like that for a minute.

“Don’t touch me, don’t… With my friend? Are you serious right now? You’re cheating WITH HIM?” He asked crying and your heart broke but you had to keep it up a few minutes more.

Michael stood up and went to the living room again, almost running.

“Chance, what is wrong with you?! You’re my friend, my best friend!! Why in the world would you do that?!” He continued yelling at him.

“I..I… Bro” he stopped “Michael, buddy, it’s not what it looks like” he said and scratched his neck again.

“Oh, it isn’t? Well tell me what the heck it is because I’m loosing it” he said sarcastically.

“It was a mistake, we got caught up in the moment and… I’m sorry dude” he said and Michael punched the table.

“I’m out of here, live your happy lives together” he said walking to the door without even grabing his belongings.

You ran to his side and stopped him, filming.

“Babe, babe, babe stop. It was a prank, I swear I have it all recorded” you said and wiped his tears “Omg Chance we went to far, I’m so sorry Michael I should never done this” he looked at you hurt.

“There’s no way that this hickey is fake” he said and you brushed it off with your finger.

“It’s make up Michael, look” you showed him the part you were with Chance putting it on.

“I hate both of you” he said and hugged you spinning you “I thought I was going to lose you forever” he said and kissed you.

“Never” he walked to Chance and they hugged too.

“You’re the worst, I love you Chance”

“Me too bup, I’d never do that to you”

“That’s why it hurt me so much, I was shocked and mad” he said and laughed.

“Okay guys, that was it for this weeks video. Like it and subscribe if you want to and see you next week.” You turned off the camera and sat with Michael in the couch to watch a movie and cuddle.

I hope you enjoyed you imagine Avera68. Thanks for requesting and voting and I will see you guys with another Preference very soon.


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