Drew Ramos

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Your Pov:

I cannot believe this! I'm currently sitting next to Drew in music class. I've never sat with him in music before but today he just randomly decided to sit with me. Our mutual friend, Alex, is sitting on my other side.

Mr. Perry has just walked into the music room and has eyed us all. "Today class we are going to begin a partner task. Whoever you are currently sharing a desk with is your partner for the next five weeks."

I turn to look at who I'm sharing a desk with, and realize it's Drew. Great. I've barely ever spoken to him and now we have to do a partner task together.

"Excellent," he begins, smiling at me. "We're gonna have fun!"

I nod, still mentally freaking out at the concept of me doing a partner task with Drew.

"The task is for you to teach each other your instrument for the five weeks, you will then be performing a duet with your partner to the class. If your partner already plays the same instrument as you, simply focus on the performance. Good luck!"

Drew plays the piano. I play the guitar. However, I used to play piano, so I guess I'm going to have to focus on teaching him the guitar. "You play the guitar, right?"

I nod. "A-and you play piano."

He smiles. "You have a nice voice, I don't think I've ever heard it before."

I blush. The effect he has on me is unbelievable. "I've played piano in the past, have you ever played guitar?"

He shakes his head. "But I've always wanted to learn."

I smile. "Looks like you're in luck. I'll be your new guitar teacher."

He giggles. "Wouldn't want it any other way."

Which, of course, sends me into another wave of blushing. I really hope he doesn't keep these compliments up, I don't think I can handle it.

We get working and decide to try and play "Flaws" by Bastille.

I hand him the guitar and Drew immediately sets it up for a right-hander. Interesting. He puts his hand on the strings as I instruct him to but seems to have trouble placing individual fingers on strings, so I put my hand over his slightly larger one and guide him. He blushes and relaxes under my touch. I gotta admit, it's pretty darn adorable.

He smiles and soon enough is playing pretty well. We decided that while we're practicing he'll play the left hand and I'll do the right. However, our hands cross over the piano every now and again. I'm starting to really like his touch and the way his hand feels on mine. Also, the way he sits closely next to me on the piano stool.

*Four weeks later*

We're a week away from the performance and I've been working with Drew very closely to make sure our performance is indeed perfect. I'm currently sitting in his music room, and he's sitting very close to me on the piano. We're halfway through the song and are about to go to the second chorus when he takes his hand off the piano and faces me.

"I really like you."

I'm a bit taken aback. "I really like you too Drew."

He looks a bit shocked but then smirks. He leans in and before I realize what's happening, his warm lips are pressed against mine. I put my arms around him, wanting to be closer, and he pulls my hair gently out of my face. The kiss deepens, but I'm a bit too nervous about where it's going so I pull away.

"Be mine?" Drew asks, lips puffy from kissing.

I nod. "I thought you'd never ask."

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