Dating Sergio Calderon Would Include:

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- posting weird and cute snapchats of him

- fans wanting to take pictures with both of you at the same time, with captions like "Mom & Dad"

- him being super sweet and protective of you

- his face lighting up every time he talks about you, which is often

- developing cute little traditions, like cuddling up on the couch, eating cereal and watching cartoon shows almost every morning

- him probably being more hurt when anyone says something mean about you than you are yourself

- him making sure you always have a shirt or hoodie from him just so he can always see you in something that's his

- Having lazy drive through dinner in his car, both in sweatpants and you not even bothering to wear a bra cause he's already seen you at your best and at your worst

- "What do you mean, I can't bring Y/N?"

- Naps. Pretty much everywhere.

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