Dating Brady Tutton Would Include:

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- laughing ; sometimes one of you would just start laughing at something random and it would just turn into a fit of giggles

- lying on his back and tracing his freckles and birthmarks

- him doing the weirdest things to make you laugh

- you having a picture of both of you holding hands as your screensaver, and your favorite picture of him as your background

- him sometimes being whiny "Y/N .. Come heeeeere"

- him commenting cute things on your Instagram pictures and some fans screenshotting and posting about it

- couple mirror selfies for snapchat, captioning it "Are we couple goals, yet?"

- him being excited every time he brings something from traveling that he thought you might like "Y/N I got you something!"

- giving each other back massages

- him having his favorite picture of you as his screensaver, and a picture of both of you making weird faces as his background

- Facetiming each other, sometimes until early in the morning while he's in another country

- him singing or humming a song at the most random times; sometimes he'd sing your name to make you smile

- holding hands in public

- sitting on his lap when you're with the guys, and him constantly having his hands on your waist or thigh

- you being slightly worried, but also pretty entertained whenever he's filming challenges with the guys 

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