Stupid Things You Guys Argue About

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Michael: He never smiles; "Michael you never smile! Why" "I will die if I smile!".

Chance: Who's the better singer; You and Chance are both singers. So you think your better than him and he thinks he is better than you. You always fight and argue and you always win.

Drew: Him cheating at video games; "Drew your always freaking cheating" "Don't be mad that you suck!!".

Brady: Should the toilet paper be under or over; "Brady the toilet paper goes over not under OMG" " It goes under Y/n under".

Sergio:  How Reese's is spelt; "Sergio there is no C in Reese's" " Yes there is it's spelt Reeces".

I hope you guys enjoyed this Preference. I will see you guys tommrow with an imagine.


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