Drew Ramos

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Requested By: Funny3467

Stephanie's Pov:

Guess what I have good news. It's the best news you ever heard in your life.

I'm sick.

I woke up throwing up and just feeling like crap basically.

And Drew my boyfriend is supposed to go to the studio later today but deep down inside I really want him to stay with me today.

So I just lay in bed trying to make myself feel better enough so Drew doesn't suspect something is wrong with me.

But it doesn't work.

About 2 hours later after a bad coughing fit Drew walks into my room with a worried  look on his face.

"Baby are you okay, what's wrong"Drew asks.

"I'm sick and I feel like crap" I say.

Then Drea leaves the room and comes back with a thermometer to check my temperature.

"101, princess your running a fever" Drew says.

"Oh" I say

Then everything goes silent like very awkward silence. Then finally Drew breaks the silence by saying.

"Baby I'm not going to the studio today I'm staying here with you" Drew says

"But what will the other boys say? " I say with my raspy voice

"I'm sure they'll understand, and if they don't too bad" Drew says

Then Drew comes over to get into my bed and I just get closer and closer to him.

Resting my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat, which is really relaxing.

And before I know it I fall asleep.

I'm right  where I want to be.  In my bed and cuddling with Drew.

Everything is perfect.

I guess being sick is not so bad at all. And before I know it everything goes black.

The last words I hear and utter before I fall into a deep slumber were

"I love you" Drew says.

And I reply with "I love you too". And then my eyes flutter closed.

I hope you enjoyed your imagine Funny3467. Thanks for requesting and voting. I will see you guys soon with a brand new preference.


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