Chance Perez

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Requested By: izzy29bvm

Izabella's Pov:

I've wanted this tattoo for months ever since December. And now it's March. The tattoo that I really want is the date 12-1-17 on my ankle which is the day my uncle passed away from ALS.

It's been really hard for me to cope with the death of my uncle. I've been through depression, bipolar, suicidal thoughts, you name it. So I thought this tattoo would be the right thing to do to honor him in the right way.

But the hardest part is to tell my boyfriend Chance Perez that I'm getting a tattoo. I don't how he will react to me getting a tattoo but I hope he will support it.

So I decide to text Chance and ask him to come over so I can talk to him about it and see what he thinks. God, I hope he supports it because this tattoo means a lot to me.

So I text him to come over and he texts back saying that he will be over in about 20 minutes. So I just sit there and wait very anxiously for my boyfriend Chance.

About after 20 minutes he finally arrived when I hear a knock at the door. "Knock, Knock, Knock". I get up from the couch and open the door to my hot boyfriend Chance.

"Hey Babe" Chance says

"Hey Baby" I reply

He the kisses me on the lips softly and we sit down on the couch. And let me tell you it was AWKWARD SILENCE between us like neither of us knew what to say to each other.

"So... What did you want to talk to me about?" Chance says

"Well... here's the thing Babe" I say

"So what I wanted to talk to you about is me getting a tattoo babe" I say

"No, no way you are not getting a tattoo" Chance says

"Why not you have four tattoos and I can't get ONE!" I say

"No" Chance says

And he just walks out the house with a pissed look on his face.

"I don't care what Chance says I'm going to get a tattoo anyway" I thought to myself.

~The Next Day~

So today I'm getting a tattoo no matter what chance says. He goes to rehearsal today at 10:00, so after the I decide to go get it done and over with. I'm getting my tattoo done by this tattoo artist in Los Angeles, his name is Romeo Lactose.

I heard he is good lots of YouTubers I watch have got tattoos done by him. So that's why I chose him. So I get into my car and drive to the tattoo shop. I'm really scared but super ready to get this done and over with.

I finally arrive at the tattoo parlor, I walk in and see this guys tatted up with loads and loads of tattoos.

"Hi I'm Romeo" he says

"Hi I'm Izabella" I say

"That's a very pretty name you have" He says

"Why thank you" I say

"So what kinds of tattoo do you what, or are thinking about?" Romeo asks

"Well I want the date 12-1-17 on my ankle" I Say

"Oh, what does the date stand for?" Romeo asks

"It stands for the day my uncle passed away from ALS" I say

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss" Romeo says

"It's no problem" I say

So he starts to give me the tattoo and let me tell you it hurt like freaking hell. I hated it so much. I don't know how Chance does this.

After I get the tattoo I look at it and it looks so beautiful.

"Thanks so much Romeo" I say

"No Problem" Romeo says

"If you ever want another tattoo you know who to call" Romeo says

So I leave the tattoo shop and go home because man am I tired. Once I get home I lay on my couch to take a quick nap.

By the way I also got another tattoo I didn't tell you guys about I got the date 7-7-17 tattooed on my other ankle. That was the day, I lost my cousin to cancer.

It's been really hard for me to cope with the death of my cousin. I've been through depression, bipolar, suicidal thoughts, you name it. So I thought this tattoo would be the right thing to do to honor him in the right way as well.

Once I get up from the nap I decided to go to the boys rehearsal since I'm their dance instructor. I know what your thinking.

Yes, I came up with the dance moves to eyes closed, and tattoo.

Once I got there Chance saw me and ran up to hug me.

"Hey baby" Chance says

"I'm sorry about yesterday" Chance says

"It's ok baby" I say

Then I get on with the dancing. We start with Eyes Closed. Then we do Tattoo. While I was dancing my pants leg rolled up and Chance saw my tattoos.

"WHAT THE HECK IZZY!" Chance says



Then he just walks out and I never came back.

"Let's go home" Sergio says

"Ok" I say

I then go home with the boys since they are going to be in LA for about a month. When I got home I waited a while.

But then I started to get worried because Chance was not home yet. So I don't know where he went, if he got hurt. I don't know anything.

But then he finally comes home.

"Izzy can I talk to you?" Chance says

"Sure" I say

"I'm sorry for the way I acted I should have never yelled at you like that" Chance says

"I know but I forgive you Perez but don't let it happen again" I say

Then we kiss and see a flash, we stop the kiss and see the boys with their phones out


We then have a fun filled night of watching movies I'm glad me and Chance made up. I fell asleep with my head lying on his chest hearing his heartbeat.

"I love you" Chance says

"I love you too" I say

Thanks for requesting Izabella, I hope you enjoyed you imagine. Sorry it took so long. But I hope you liked it :)


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