Tsubaki x Reader

647 13 15

Well I just came back from Hell so how are you? I'm totally fine with all the homework and makeup crap I have to do plus I have this major math test tomarrow apparently! But I'm fine. I'm probably gonna procrastinate on here anyway. Why don't you help me procrastinate by requests or just commenting reactions? I'd like that. Also I feel depressed right now.

Modern AU [Somewhat like a poem but not really. Not a story either just a bunch of lines.]

You were crying. You were. 

Bullies hurt. They did. 

You had a fickle heart.

And a bitterness.

And a sharp tongue.

And a heaviness in your head. 

You were the butt of everyone's jokes.

But you weren't alone

Your pathetic self managed to get a boyfriend.

Not just any boyfriend.

The BEST boyfriend.


He was the definition of perfect.

The definition of smart, handsome, considerate


He stayed with you when no one else would.

He loved you when no one else would.

He embraced you when no one else would.

And you'd do the same right back.

"You're perfect as you are."

"Please don't cry, it doesn't suit you."

"Don't listen to them, they aren't worth your valuable time."

"I love you."

His words flooded your senses

His sentences left you defenseless

He built you palaces out of paragraphs

He built cathedrals.

He made you helpless.

With his intelligent eyes

 and hunger pang frame.

He could take your hand 

and carry you through no man's land

He could be seen with you and still act proud

He fought for you

He was too good for you

What the heck did ya do to earn him?

You didn't deserve him


Why couldn't you let him go?

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