Brady x Reader

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Yandere Simulator AU. 

Yeah, he was one of the delinquents. Yeah, he was a teacher's son. Yes you went to a fancy prep School. Yes it was Akademi High. So what!? He was your boyfriend amd that was that! If anyone had a problem with that you would personally make sure they wouldn't want to speak to you or Brady again.

You two were polar opposites on the looks department and are somewhat on the same wavelength personality wise. He wasn't the bug thug who was a good ol softie on the inside. You were a sweet little thing who wouldn't hesitate to cut a guy's balls off with a pair of scissors. Burn yiu had your sweet side. It wasn't apparent most of the time but it was there.

So today you were with Brady before school started. You were on the roof where very few students went. This wasn't uniqueness for the both of you because Brady susually hung out with his delinquent friends in the mornings and you'd normally go find Amai and bake things in the cooking club.

But today was different. You decided to deal with Midori on the rooftop and just spending some time together. You took a bench where you knew nobody like Kuu Dere sat at. Brady was carrying something behind his back. You didn't pry because you did too.

You both sat down and you took out little boxes. Yours was way larger than his, and he looked ashamed at it. But then Brady remembered what the heck was Inside and smirked. Ain't gonna let you beat him. 

Okay, some backstory to this moment and why today was different. Today was your anniversary. Two years now to be exact. You both decided to get one another gifts.

"Okay Brady-boy. Take your box."

"Alright Sugah, only If you do."

You extange boxes and you ushed Brady to open his first. He does the same and you both have a wordless arguement about who should open their gift first. He lost to you because of a lack of will power against his girl and he opened the wrapping paper revealing a kennel with plenty of air holes. 

Inside the kennel was a sleeping calico kitten. Brady teared up and looked inside. You had a smug smirk on your face and you crossed your arms when hearing him sniffle. 

"Damn, I think you bested me honey...."

"Damn right. I knew you always wanted a kitten but your darn mom would never get ya one. Good thing I have blackmail on Musume."

Brady raised an apehebrow ur you changed the topic from your sudden slipout to the little box Brady gotcha. He placed the kennel on the ground with the sleeping kitten. He'd have to help you with your gift.

Oh, and neither of you were vigilant enough to notice Ayano killing Mai Waifu.

You opened the box and gasped. You picked up a small golden chain with  golden heart encrusted with a large ruby at the end. Oh wait, there's were three golden hearts. A red one in the center like you described, a blue one that had the name Brady encrusted in it, And a yellow one with your name in it. You gasped.

"Ya got this for me?"

"Anything for you babe."

You embraced him tightly and he hugged ya right back. Ayano glanced your way while mopping up the blood. Eh, you weren't a witness or a rival. Besides, your Love was intertwining and the perfect demonstration of what she wanted for her and Taro. She'd let you live and love.

The only reason I did this AU is because of that art I found! Okay im turning in for the night. Plz let me wake up to COMMENTS!



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