Chapter 3: Something Better Than Love

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Chapter 3: Something Better Than Love

As soon as you stepped through the forest in our kingdom, you are embraced with the snow framing the leaves which expand off the vines and branches of trees. The ground is always marked with an icy touch with little scarps of snow here and there; it always leaves a sparkle in its way letting you never miss a glimpse of its beauty. And this was the world I loved, it was and always will be filled with wonder and I'm pretty sure there is more beyond it. You just don't get to see it when you have to stay behind palace walls. The crunch the snow would make once your foot stepped through it would make you feel a connection to the outside world, the crunch had the resemblance to a human taking a bite into an apple but with a sweeter punch. At least, this is what I make of it every time I let my boots pass through the hard material.

I made the usual twists and turns in and out of the trees which headed down into the pathway leading towards my aunt's house. It didn't exert the feeling that I felt like I was being watched from somewhere. It was as if someone had read my thoughts because just that second a twig was crushed behind me. Immediately, my body spun round to have a look behind me, but nothing, I couldn't see anything except snowed trees and a pathway leading into the dark. I knew that I was probably insane and stupid because in reality no one would call out "Anyone out there?" and that's when the noise was heard again. Slowly, I let my hand slide to the dagger that was held in the side of my belt making sure that my hand was clasped round it tightly just in case I needed to pull it out. "Wait, I'm sorry, it's only me, I didn't mean to scare you," coming out from behind the trees stood Alex raising his arms up in surrender at me. Automatically, I let my hand slip away from the dagger in my belt and sighed heavily "You didn't scare me," I told him confidently crossing my arms over my chest glaring at him. "Then there wasn't any other reason for you to take hold of that dagger in your belt."

I looked down at the dagger than looked back at him "That means nothing, anyway, how long have you been following me?" I asked raising my eyebrow at him waiting for my question to me answered. He stood there fiddling with himself, obviously presenting a slight nervous side to him "Since you left the kingdom," my arms uncrossed from their position and I just looked at him, multiple questions running through my brain, such as "Why would he do that? No one has ever done that before" okay sure that last part not really a question more a statement but it still has the same influence on my thoughts. "Am I aloud to ask why?" he slowly started to walk towards me, his nervous nature started to decrease until I could no longer see a trace of it. "You know what I said after our parents left that throne room, I told you that I knew that you weren't an ordinary princess and if we want this to work or to let our parents believe this is working then just show me what you really like to do and besides I'm curious anyways," I scanned him up and down, his eyes were so sure in his statement and the deeper I looked into them, I could tell that he felt the same way I did.

"Wait, you don't want anything to happen between us?" the way I spoke sounded surprised but to anyone you would have believed that I felt hurt by the matter, but inside that wasn't true, I was delighted. "Perfectly honest with you, I don't. I see no reason for us to be forced into something that we don't agree on and think shouldn't happen. But I would like to be friends with you, if that boundary isn't afraid to be reached," I stood scanning him one last time before nodding at him "At least someone shares the same the views as I do." We shared one last smile before we carried on our journey through the woods. The silence between us was deafening, and the more we walked, the more it would thicken. All I was able to hear was the crunch of my own footsteps through the snow and with each one; it would closely be echoed by Alex's step. I couldn't start a conversation with him, there was nothing to say, or at least no words that wanted to escape my lips and it was evident that he was feeling the same. We said that we could end on just being friends; I just don't believe that our "friend" mission isn't working out as we expected it to.

"So you fight," the silence immediately broke between us and I could finally let my heart calm before it would beat out from my chest from the increasing tension between us. "I do, I seem to find it more inviting than doing princess duties if you ask me," I figured the more lengthy I would make my reply, then possibly, there could be a fifty percent chance that our conversation will condense and the awkwardness will be set aside. "You'd get along with my younger sister, she has the same personality as you," it surprised at most I must say but I didn't know how to answer. It was as if my throat had clogged up preventing me from speaking. Luckily for me, I noticed the neat vine cottage appear in the distance, "We're here." I diverted answering and increased my motion towards the cottage. The rustle of each of our footsteps crushed through the fallen leaves now stamped into the snow itself as we made our way towards the cottage. The closer we got, the more detail started to come into view. Its walls were covered with vines, coming off the vines were hollies and other surrounding berries all crystallized with snow giving a hint of sparkle to its effect. Following closely behind, bushes covered the corners and borders of the cottage neatly also covered with snow; leaning over it hung the trees, it's positioning was welcoming but at the same time gave some way of protection as it made sure that even within sight, it lay hidden.

A smile was spread wide across my face as I made my presence closer towards my second home. There was no need to knock on the door because automatically I knew that my presence was welcome in the home whether she was around or not. The feeling when I placed my hand on the door was rough from the cracking wood and much force was needed to push it open. As soon as the door was open, you felt this rush of warm exotic heat hit you immediately and it was the best feeling you could feel after trekking through the snow for hours. "Um, excuse me Miss Willow, I don't think you should just barge into someone's home like this," I spun round to look at the confused look on Alex's face with a hint of laughter coming out from my mouth "I'm not barging into anyone's home, I'm barging in on my aunt's house, if that's what you want to call being welcome inside," Alex relaxed his posture and shook his head showing a sense of relief. I lifted my coat off and hung on the hanger which stood by the door; I waltzed over towards the seating area and jumped down without hesitation "Now I definitely know you aren't a normal princess," Alex hung his coat up next to mine laughing before coming to take a seat next to me. "I think normal is under rated if you ask me," he just rolled his eyes at me, as if to say he knew something like that was coming from me.

At this point we both sat in silence once again; all we could both hear was the crackle of the flames dying low as the wood was slowly dying to a crisp, all we could smell was the sweet fragrance which was emitting throughout the room and the sense of peacefulness was lovely to be a part of. "Can I ask a question?" I looked up towards Alex and saw his curiosity while looking around the place. He looked from section to section of the cottage, the little weapons area in the corner, the seating area we were in, the door leading into the small kitchen, lastly followed by the wooden spiral staircase which headed towards the bedrooms and bathroom. "Of course you can," I sat up from my position on the couch, crossed my legs together and looked at him, "Why does your aunt live here? Why doesn't she live with you and your family up in the castle?" That's when it all came creeping in. No one had ever asked me that question before, but more importantly, I never thought anyone would because I could never answer it.

I never understood why my aunt had left the castle, it was her home just as it is mine, but then all of a sudden one day she was gone, with only a note left behind in my room advising me where she would be if I ever needed her. Every time I would ask my parents they would never give me a straight answer, the same with my aunt whenever I asked her the same question. The more I grew, the more the stories began to change and I don't think they realised that they did it. At that point it was too late to answer Alex's question because I'd let my thoughts take over me and the only thing which brought me out of it was my aunt making her way back into the cottage. 

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