Chapter 30: A Breaking Heart

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Chapter 30: A Breaking Heart

I had no choice but to follow the maids up through what seemed to be a deserted castle. I had to cut rough corners of the squared section of the castle; I found I had to travel up multiple stairs to reach where I was going but the thing was I was unsure where I was actually heading. "Where are you taking me?" I asked the maids as politely as I could, though the agitation to my voice couldn't be hidden because I decided now I didn't want to be here. If I had known I'd be having dinner with Alesandro then I would have left with Hayden when I had the chance, now I don't believe I'll have that opportunity. "To your room," suddenly my feet paused in its track and I stood still in my place. My eyes were widened and I felt very unsteady in my place because I didn't understand what she meant by 'my room'. "I'm sorry...did you just say, my room?" all the maids stopped in their tracks as well, each exchanging looks with one another before a young maid came over slipped her hand in mine pulling my feet to walk again back up a pair of stairs answering me "Yes I did. Didn't Sir Jayden explain this all to you?" Sir Jayden, did she just call him Sir Jayden. Everything was too overwhelming for me to actually process right now, so I have my own room by the sounds of it, the maids call Jayden Sir and there must be more coming which I should have been aware about but don't because Jayden didn't feel me in on the information. Must have been too busy beating me up to pay any attention to what was actually important. "Sorry Miss, we thought you were aware of what was happening when you got here?" I just shook my head at her with nothing really to say as a reply. The sadness crept into her eyes but it was also wary and concerning as if she felt sorry for me but I didn't want her to. Maybe it was better not knowing, maybe it would be easier to let what was going to happen, happen that way I wouldn't have to fret about it all beforehand instead just let it all unfold.

Next I could tell the young maid was trying to make me feel better by talking gibberish to me that's when I started to blank out away from her. Sure it was rude on my behalf but with everything that has been going on the past few weeks, I just needed time to process it all so I figured maybe the best moment would be now as I may not get another chance. However that didn't happen, instead I distracted myself on analysing the young maid's appearance. She had her hair tied neatly in a bun high on head; she wore a neat blue pinafore over the top of white shirt underneath finishing it off with black tights. She seemed very calm and relaxed in her surroundings with a smile evident on her face even through the sadness she was holding back after the conversation she had with me. She came across as a bright happy girl when working for a man like Alesandro, though I wonder if she actually knew what type of a man he actually was. "Here we are," breaking out of my own distraction I found myself stood in front of white wooden door, however round the border there had been engraved carvings of small multiple designs heading all the way round each signifying something that I like. It was strange; I ran my finger up the side gently taking in each dent up the border almost mesmerised by it. I was caught away from the designs once the young maid opened the door for me; I exchanged a look with her as she nodded for me to go inside. I did quite slowly and as I did the room was just as big as my own at home in Ivna. At the back left hand side of the room laid a circular positioned bed, I'm not even imagining it the bed was actually circular being placed back against the wall. Around the back coming out to the sides hung curtains which you could pull and drag round the whole circle of the bed if you wanted privacy. Rested on the bed laid numerous pillows held in neat positioning some resting up against each other while the covers fell neatly from one side of the bed to other without creating any bumps in the bed; the colours of the bed matched the colours I had at home.

At home I had a teal and grey cover with little circular patterns of different sizes trailing from one end to the other on it, true this bed didn't share the same design it did however have the same colours as my own. The covers were an amazing teal with a grey lace at the bottom of the covers followed by a thin grey strip going all the way round. At the top of the covers where you pull it over there was grey fluff from one side to the other. I moved further towards the bed letting my hand scrap lightly over the covers. It felt soft with the same puffy, snug-gable texture my bed had at home. When I took a seat on the mattress it had that light bounce to it as well which I've always loved with my bed at Ivna. I looked to the left hand side of me to see a small balcony, but the opening to the balcony was a window with a window bed pressed against it for you to step over to reach the balcony. There laid a few grey and teal pillows as well while further back away from that close to the bed I'm sat on was an extremely big wardrobe which cut round till it reached the window bed. Sat in front of me, lay a huge desk with three squared mirrors connected with each other and down below next to the stool I noticed numerous drawers. Geez how many does a desk actually need or merely how many drawers do I need? I looked to the right hand side of me to see a door leading into another section of my room. I stepped up away from the bed making my way over towards and when I entered I noticed a great bathroom suite which seemed to glisten at me from how clean it was.

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