Chapter 18: When Everything Starts To Unfold

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Chapter 18: When Everything Starts To Unfold

As I lifted my head and looked upon the figure in front of me the only word I could escape my lips were "Hayden?" Our eyes immediately locked onto one another and I felt us hold this position for a long while as we just gazed with a calculating look to see if our eyes were not deceiving us. When the moment was right and I knew that this was real and that my mind wasn't taking control I felt my hands push themselves deep into the snow with my weight being lifted. I stood suddenly; as soon as I did my feet already started to run with the sudden collision of another weight against me and the warmth of someone's arms around me. The exact mirror of my movements came from Hayden as we now held onto each other tightly with our arms wrapped around each other and our heads buried in each other's shoulders. I felt the tightness our grip had on each other and it identified how we didn't want to let go. "How is this possible?" I heard him mumble through my shoulder; all I felt I could do was to shake my head because I didn't have an answer to give. We slowly pulled apart away from each other and our azure eyes had locked with each other once again. I noticed the glaze of tears within his eyes that didn't want to fall as I could feel them welling up in my own. I had to take in everything, the features of what was right in front of me just to be sure. I knew that he was doing the same as he ran his hand through my hair, wiped the single tear that fell down my face and made his focus deeper on me ready to say "It is's actually is you." I felt my head nod at his reply with a small laugh releasing a smile across my face "And it's you." It was his turn to nod at me before we both wrapped our arms back around each other and remained in the position for what felt like forever.

The immediate interruption between us was caused by Crystal as she suddenly landed herself next to the pair of us and with her tail she swung me away from Hayden and performed her defensive position in front of me standing in between the both of us. I watched she suddenly released the spikes from her tail ready to aim towards Hayden but before she could do anything with them I charged in front of her holding my hands up to ward her back. "No, stop Crystal stop. It's okay, he's my friend he won't hurt me," her spikes slowly retracted and she with held her defensive position and sat down in front of me as I gently placed my hand on her head and stood next to her as I spun round to see Hayden in a position of shock. It was clear between us that much had to be discussed because we'd missed so many years. "When did you get a dragon?" I shrugged and laughed "There's a lot we need to talk about," he nodded at me before picking all his things off the ground. "I'm really sorry I hit you," he picked up his last bag before coming to stand next to me; I shook his comment off by answering "Its fine, you just seemed very eager to get somewhere." He raised his eyebrow at me and gave a questioning look making it seem he had no idea of what I was talking about but from what I heard it's probably more than just wanting to get somewhere. "What makes you think I'm eager to get somewhere?" I looked round at him directly this time and it was my turn to raise my eyebrow at him with the questioning look and as I did so it was clear he knew that I knew he was hiding something.

"I can't explain it here, you're just gonna have to trust me," I shook my head at him and jumped up on Crystal looking down at him "Why is it so important that you don't tell me here?" he sighed heavily and looked around at the surroundings bringing back the calculating look with his body language looking nervous as if someone were watching us. "Alright I get it Hayden, you can't tell me here. Just tell me something about why, give me a reason to why you can't do it here," his sigh deepened as his gaze focused back onto me instead of the surroundings and now when I looked his eyes were sending a message of meaning but he was still nervous and that was definitely clear through his eyes but he didn't hesitate to make an answer "I can't talk here because there could be ears everywhere and they can't know-," but his voice was cut off as within a blur I watched as his body tumbled to the ground with struggle against somebody "Don't want us to know what Hayden?" the coldness to the man's voice almost sent a shiver down my spine but the glare on Hayden's face showed that the man had no effect on him and the only thing he was paying attention on was the pressure the man had on him as he held him down. "Hayden!!" I screamed out his name within an instance and jumped of Crystal to go and help him. Though as I did so I felt my own weight be pulled away from him and the silver sharpness of a knife connect with my skin across my neck "Miss me darling," I recognised the voice all too well and as I looked behind I watched the flick of the blonde brownish hair and as I looked at their face I knew the brightening colour of his eyes which had the sharing colour of green and blue which I never liked "Alex. What are you doing, let me go," I struggled against him but I felt his grip only tighter on me further.

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