Chapter 9: Another Problem For Another Day

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Chapter 9: Another Problem for Another Day

"What do you mean you think it's your parent's?" Taylor's eyes crushed down into my own with such curiosity I couldn't tear my eyes away from her. The sound of my heart pumping out from my chest was excruciating, its sound was drumming loudly blocking anything else that was around me. Or rather than that, amplifying every sound around me until everything was ringing inside my ears. I told Taylor everything I heard but it couldn't be possible you know, it might not even be me they were talking about, it could be Corinne...that wouldn't make sense, Corinne is 16. So surely it had to be someone else who's 17, it just can't be me. I am overreacting right? Though the feeling wouldn't shake as, I kept thinking that it had to be me. After everything that has happened these days why wouldn't this fit the pattern as well. "Willow this doesn't make any sense. Why would you parent's lie to you, they have nothing to hide right?" I couldn't answer; I was shaking my head at her, running my hands through my hair as it fell down my back, not that it was anymore as I could feel myself slightly tearing it out as my hands ran through it and this was all followed closely behind my intensive pacing back and forth. "Okay then to get your mind off it-."

But I cut her off, I had to cut her off "I can't take my mind off it Taylor; I don't want to take my mind off it." It was true, I didn't want to take my mind off it because with everything happening all at once I needed answers and I wasn't going to find them if I let the matter drop and slip away; wait for something else to come along which would make my mind race in even more wild directions. "I'm serious Willow, handle a problem at a time since you have so many at the moment," though at this point, my eyebrow raised and I stopped my pacing, let my weight transfer one leg as my arms crossed with each other against my chest as I looked over at Taylor. My mind was officially even more confused than it had been earlier on. The only problems I seemed to have at the moment been the one with my aunt which has now transferred to be with my parent's as well. The dreams don't count because I've had dreams for as long as I can remember and from what I heard today, it seems that also has a connection so in my mind I only have one problem on my hands. What is Taylor on about? "Um, Taylor, new question, uh...what other problems?" she stopped what she was doing; it looked as if her whole body completely froze on the stop. She stopped sharpening her sword for a few seconds before heading back into it with her reflexes moving as slow as possible hinting that I hit a nerve. "You know, everything you said and of course Alex."

I shook my head and laughed at her "Tay, I've known Alex for a day and there aren't any problems there. I mean why would there be?" I couldn't help but keep laughing slightly through my questioning. Taylor's body seemed to release from the tension it was holding from before, especially how she shrugged and the sharpening had more of a calm, easy procedure to it. "Oh so your okay with marrying Alex?" this time my body froze. It felt as if all the blood circulating my system shut down for a moment just so I could feel what death felt like. Cold shivers transferred all the way round my body as I tried taking this new information in. "Taylor, what marriage?" Taylor carried on talking as if I understood what she was talking about which I did not. "You know, how Alex was talking with his father and your father last night about when the marriage should be and how you guys bonded so well yesterday and you both can't be happier about it all and..." I could feel my face furrowing and the glare start to form over at her. As Taylor lifted her head her voice started to slow down and she took a deep breath finishing "And it's clear you had no say in this and now I'm gonna shut up." Instead of cold shivers travelling through my body, I could feel my blood boil. Was I manipulated; I know that I was definitely lied to, but marriage, already?! It's been a day; one day and they are talking about marriage, where is my say in this matter. No wait forget my say in the matter, what changed Alex's mind? He didn't want this; he knows that I don't want this so why is it happening?!

I felt my mind exploding with all these questions running wild in my head and I had to get this sorted. I looked back over at Taylor with heat exploding from cheeks as she looked very guilty from what she said. "I have to go and sort a problem out. One I know I can handle myself," I tried to contain the aggressive anger in my voice but it was still there on the edge. "Alright, you take your time. Just don't kill him." The last part she had to shout as I had already made my way to the door to leave the arena "I make no promises!" I shouted back at her and travelled back up the spiral staircase. I kept my journey down the corridors fast paced ignoring once again people trying to talk with me or get my attention but right now that wasn't my concern. I felt my feet trek down with great speed that the soreness in my feet couldn't be felt or imagined because I was determined to fix something. That something however suddenly got put on hold as these hands gripped onto my arms tightly as possibly. I looked up to see amazing teal eyes in front of me, his shaggy brown hair fell across his face and his wings fell down neatly behind him. Our eyes locked with each other as I struggled to get past him. His strength was immeasurable because I couldn't move out from his grasp. "I know that look; you are on a mission and not a very good one, what happened Willow? You might as well tell me because I'm not letting go until you."

It was clear that I no choice in the matter and Nathan could be very convincing when he wanted to be. "Oh gosh Willow promise me you won't kill him," I looked up into his meaningful eyes after I told him everything; it was hard to ignore the pleading look in his eyes and I couldn't deny him. "I'm not gonna kill him, I'll him," it was hard to get the word out of my mouth but I did so without choking. Nathan nodded at me trusting me as he always did before letting me pass back down the hall to Alex's quarters. Just as I got there I actually composed myself and got ready to talk with him, not kill, talk with him. I guess it was better to talk so I could find out, who, what, when, where and why this was all happening. As if I didn't have enough on my plate at the moment. I lifted my hand up ready to knock on the door like a polite person would do, but I decided to push that aside and storm through instead. As soon as I did he freaked out from my entrance. At first I scanned the room until I found him lead on his bed; he made sure that he was probably in an attracting position because he had himself rested against the back rest of the bed with his right arm behind as a rest for his head. He had his right leg crossed over his left leg with a book placed on his lap. But from my stormy entrance he freaked out completely, jumping from his bed, booking flying in the air and landing on the floor and him banging his head on the bed ceiling.

I wanted to laugh; I could have laughed if I wasn't being serious at this moment in time. "It's polite if you could have knocked first, what if I was indecent?" he flung his arms in the air before I could even get a word out "So, I need to speak with you about something," he pushed himself back up against the bed rest answering "And what's that something?" it seemed that he had more attitude in his voice than he did yesterday. Yesterday he seemed calmer with his tone and it had more of a sensitive impact on you but today, today it was completely different. He sounded kind of rude and irritable and I could tell that he didn't want me to be here. From his reaction today, there was no way I would be marrying him. "Why did you tell my father and your father that we wanted to get married?" his eyes bulged in surprise, a surprised look describing an idea of he didn't want me to find least not yet. He shifted in his position on the bed as I started to walk forward to him. But his shifting in position was odd, as if he were hiding something else. "Care to explain?" I gestured with my hand out to him. But no word came from his mouth. "Alex, I made it clear to you yesterday that I didn't want to get married, not to you not to anyone and you said the same thing, so what changed. What could have possibly changed your mind?"

He sighed heavily "I didn't want to tell you the truth because I knew that you would react this way and to be fair I actually do really like you," he plastered a smile on his face and he tried sparkling his eyes at me, in a way I felt a flutter inside me but I pushed it aside because I strict to what I say and I was still angry at him. As I was about to answer him I heard something come from the other side of his bed, a knock of something so I raised an eyebrow just as his expression turned guilty. "What was that?" he didn't answer just shrugged and shook his head, just as it happened again. I started to make my way around the bed as he was screaming; telling me to go no further which only urged me to move forward more. I cut the bend round his bed and there I saw a village girl wrapped up in one of blankets that are used on the beds. She waved curtly at me smiling awkwardly as my eyes widened at her just as my head turned to look at Alex with even more disgust on my face than I had before as he nervously looked at me saying "I can explain."

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