Chapter 29: I Know You

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Chapter 29: I Know You

"Willow? Willow sweetheart where are you?" I was back at Ivna sat on my bed with a drawing pad placed on my lap and my hand tracing round the image I'd just finished drawing now filling in the final areas of shading. "Please would you let me in," I'd be sworn to stay in my room most of the day with guards put outside the door twenty four seven and if I wanted to go anywhere then they needed to come with me all the time. Obviously again this was a dream, a memory of which I didn't remember but now I was going to especially because it felt extremely real to me and strangely enough this time I was in control I knew everything that was happening because this time, I wasn't on the sidelines watching the scenario develop instead I was actually myself I was actually sat on the bed with the pad placed in my hands this time it was all real...this time I was my actual ten year old self. "I'm sorry miss but the King says not to let anyone in due to certain circumstances," the guard was so formal outside the door it almost scared me because I wanted the person to come inside. I felt alone being stuck in my room; I wasn't even aloud to see my siblings which disappointed me at most. "Yes well as sister to the King I believe I have the right to enter this room now step aside this instance," the sound of my aunts voice behind the door sent fireworks exploding inside of me. Out of all the people in my family she was the one person I had a deeper connection with and she always gave the best company. Hearing the lock twist to open once a key made a connection my head lifted quickly to see the door open slowly at first but I guess my aunt barged past the guard to dive into the room immediately. Her figure spun round the room quickly looking for where I was but I gave her a hint as I jumped off the bed screaming out at her "Yvette!!" I ran immediately towards her while her body spun to greet me.

I dived straight towards her wrapping my arms around her waist tightly while she lowered her weight to make it easier for her to hold me back. "Hey sweetie, how've you been?" I buried my head into her shoulder holding on even tighter to exemplify my point "Lonely and bored. Yvette, I don't understand what's going on?" we pulled apart and as we did she looked at me deeply pushing away the fringe falling in front of my face so she could look at me fully "Remember when Alesandro came here and asked you a very important question?" only for a second my mind traced back to a dream I had a while back where I was sat with my other friends and we were extremely young, it was the first dream I had with everyone there and the man said something similar to this situation, he said "It's her choice," now I thought these two had to be connected even though they happened at different points in my life. When I came back into this dream it was clear I knew what she was on about because my answer was clear as day "Did I give him the wrong answer? Should I have said yes? Yvette I don't want to do it, I don't want to hurt me friends," the panic in my voice was evident and I seemed almost afraid. "Shh, no Willow that isn't going to happen alright I promise. I'm not going to let anything happen to you but that's why your father has assigned guards to stay with you, he's just taking precautions to protect you until this all blows over alright." I held back onto her tightly again as I could feel my heart pounding in fear so now it was clear I was scared. "So your saying there's a chance he could put all the elements in me still," now that I've said that with my shaky voice the situation I was dreaming about was clear to me. The moment I feared was creeping up at me and I'd have to witness what happened to me. Was I ready for that?

"Willow look at me," so I did as she held onto my arms tightly while looking at me "I'm not going to let him hurt you okay. He'll have to go through me if he wants you," a small giggle escaped me as I answered her "He should be afraid then," a laugh now escaped Yvette as she took her hand in mine "Yes he should shouldn't he. Now instead of staying here, I thought you'd feel more comfortable staying down at the cottage with me and you know who," I suddenly felt my eyes widen in excitement with my body pulling away from Yvette packing a bag with clothes and essentials which I would need before running back to an amused Yvette who picked me up leaving the room. The guards stood outside the door looked at the pair of us puzzled exchanging looks with each other before opening their mouths to say something but Yvette got there before they could even speak "Your services are no longer needed; it was decided by the council earlier today Willow be moved to a more secured location," without even letting them speak she walked away with me in her arms down out of the castle walls and trekking into the woods to the cottage before anyone else saw her. "That wasn't true what you said to the guards was it?" I questioned her motives with a smirk on my face just as she shared one back "No it wasn't, it was mine and Xira's idea. We wanted to make sure each and everyone one of you was safe and the only way for you to be safe is at the cottage with me." Understanding what she was saying a smile crept onto my face because I knew she wasn't the only person I'd be staying with. As the cottage began to start coming into view Yvette put me down so my feet could touch the padded snow and make my own way towards the cottage.

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