Chapter 5: A New Feeling

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Chapter 5: A New Feeling

"Where the hell have you been?!" Corinne stood in front of me, her arms were held on her hips with her eyes piercing into my own which looked deafening. The emerald of her eyes clashed against my sapphire ones and it made my stomach clench tightly because of the anger her expression she was making clearly evident towards me. "Why is it any of your concern?" I barged past her and started back down the hall to my room with her right at my heels. "You're my older sister and I care about you," she made up an excuse against me; "Just say it Cori, "Father is very angry with you Willow because you disappeared from the castle walls again, why do you have do that? Why can't you just be a normal person for once in your life and actually be the princess you are meant to be" tell me if that sounds about right to you Cori," I made sure that my voice was very sarcastic followed by a mimicking tone of her own voice just as I reached my room. I opened the door ready to make my entrance to my room hoping to get away from my sister as quickly as possible but all she did was pull me back.

"Yes that is the truth actually, but I do care about you as well, who would I be if I didn't?" I just rolled my eyes at her "Though seriously Willow, you have everything you could ever wish for here, things that villagers could ever wish for but you don't treat it with respect, you just run and disappear." I started to move back into my room but she made sure that her hand on my arm tightened its grip pulling me harder away from my room. Spinning back round our eyes clashed again and all her eyes were full of was seriousness "Willow, you are next in line after father, you have to get married and all these suitors dad gets for you, you just throw them away, why can't you actually give any of this a chance for once in your life," I chucked my coat into my room and thrust her hand off my arm with abrupt force "Would it actually kill you if I said that I spent the day with Alex?" she stumbled back away from me "Yes it would," so I started to move forwards to her as she started to stumble backwards. "Well guess what Corinne that is what I did, I and Alex spent the whole day together, sure I'll admit we left the castle grounds, went into the woods, I introduced him to Yvette, but I spent the WHOLE day with him and boy you wish you could have seen the look on fathers face when he saw me with him earlier. Now for Thor's sake Corinne stop with the questions!" Immediately I walked back into my room slamming the door in her face just as she come running back towards me.

My body lifted its weight against the door and I sighed heavily. Thoughts running wild in my head wondering if what just happened was the right actions to hold. Was those actions too harsh, could I have been more subtler in my ways? Through all my thinking I found my weight now on the ground with my head looking up leaning against the door with my body weight. All I felt myself do was sighing heavily and as I did so I wanted a relief to wash away from me, but no effect happened...none whatsoever. With whatever energy was left, my body pushed itself off the ground taking hold of my coat which I chucked in here a few moments ago. I hung it in place before heading over towards my bed dropping myself dramatically, clutching hold of my pillow staring into nothingness. "No promise me Willow, and when the time comes you won't be afraid, and know that I'll always be right here when you need me," what did she mean by all of that and why was it still running around in my head? Gradually, I felt my eyes start to wither; with sleep creeping in I was falling into darkness which I didn't mind until I knew that it was time to wake back up.

There I sat amongst five other people, two of them I recognised to be my sister Corinne and brother Nathan though when I looked upon him he wasn't his usual self. For as long as I could remember Nathan was born with wings, wings that looked like an angel, our parents never told us where they came from except that he was born with them so I guess I always left it as that. But they were nowhere to be seen. He looked and seemed just as normal as I am and all the other people around me. These people though, I've never met them before. As I scanned each in turn, next to me sat a boy, he had dark red hair with a smile plastered on his face, he had obscure chestnut eyes and we seemed like really good friends, next to him sat another boy, he was different. He had chestnut hair with a few blue streaks going through the three strands which fell across his face slightly; he didn't seem to be paying attention much to anyone around him except from the small girl that was sat in his lap I guessed which was his sister; finally sat next to him was a girl I recognised all too well. She had auburn brown hair like the boy next to her and instead of blue in her hair she had one single green streak flowing through. No matter what was happening in the scene in front of me each and every single one of us seemed to share a connection with each other, a bond of some sort which couldn't be broken and I felt that in myself? But how did I not recognise them at all? All the voices in the scene were muffled so I couldn't understand what any of us were saying; one thing I could gather from this scene was how old we all were, we were very young, probably at least five or six years old. I felt my body be picked up from the ground and noticed I was being held in Yvette's arms as she walked over to my father's side. Numerous people were standing there and it seemed they were having multiple conversations. "We have to do this and you're the only person who understands this James, it was your idea in the first place," I felt Yvette clutched hold of me tightly "Yes Alesandro, but that was before I became aware of the dangers and I am not putting my daughter in that position." I looked over at the man who my father called Alesandro and saw his meaningful chestnut eyes and his warming smile invite me. "It's her choice."

"Willow...Willow wake up...wake up Willow!" I felt my body be shaken awake at the feel of my brother on the edge of my bed looking down at me with worry written all over his body and face. "Are you okay?"I pushed myself up from the bed and crossed my legs facing Nathan; he held his hand in with my own looking towards me with a staid message written across him. I pushed all my hair out from my face and pulled it round to fall down over my left shoulder nodding towards him "Yea, just a dream that's all, what brings you in here?" he just shrugged and sat himself neatly on my bed rather than with his legs dangling over the end "Cori mentioned that you were back home and I wanted to come see you," I smiled at him warmly as he did the same back as I lightly pulled him over towards me. He adjusted his positioning so that he lay against my chest as I wrapped my arms around him. He made sure that his wings didn't get in the way and even if they did I didn't mind; they always had such a warm feeling to them followed by an amazing soft texture and it come layer after layer. Looking down at him, he looked back up at me with his mesmerising teal eyes, his chestnut fell against his face which I pushed away smoothly until the dream came flooding back through.

His wings weren't there but they were right here in front of my eyes at this very second. It didn't make any sense, none at all, so what was happening? "Are you sure your okay Willow?" bringing out from my trance Nathan's words were sweet with delicacy followed by its hint of concern. "I'm good Nathan, you know what happens when Corinne gets under my skin," he clutched hold of me with a more fixed grip followed closely behind with a sigh "Yea, I thought you guys might have gotten into another argument," I looked back down at him laughing "Let me guess, she did that stroppy walk through the castle hallways didn't she with the displeasing look on her face including the crossing of the arms?" Nathan just burst out laughing sarcastically answering "Oh my Thor! Willow how did you guess?!" and he put a big 'oh' expression on his face making me laugh. Running my fingers through his hair tenderly deep down he knew that there was still something going on with me but he just couldn't think what? "Seriously Willow, what's wrong?" Sighing heavily he spun round retaking his hands with my own as we stared at each other deeply with me preparing to explain my problem. I knew at this point I must explain because there was no getting it past him.

"Nathan, how long have you had those wings?" we both looked at them in unison as they draped nicely down the end of my bed. The feathers which looked so delicate and soft with every touch when you'd put your hand on it; the size, power and strength they had within them was amazing and most of all they never seemed to cause a problem except being carved into his back with no apparent reason to being there. Nathan's head slowly switched between the wings and me; from the look in his eyes he seemed to be thinking of a reason to give back to me but it seemed that he couldn't find the words. "Forever, I guess...I'm not sure, I guess they've always been there," he was being careful upon his words because I knew that he didn't want to stammer upon them with uncertainty. "What if they weren't always there?" I tried whispering it to myself but Nathan had heard me clutching hold of my hands tighter "Willow, why the sudden interest? You've never asked about this fact no one ever has." That's when it hit me. Yvette's words came running through my brain, should I tell Nathan what she told me or should I not? But why would her words have an influence on how I'm feeling right now, they shouldn't. Yet somehow they have.

"Nathan, Alex and I went to see Yvette today and she told me something, something I can't get out of my head," he looked deeper into my eyes as he now wore the expression of wonder and intrigue "What did she tell you Willow?" his tone didn't match his expression though; his tone was more sincere and concerning contrasting against his look. Just as I was about to tell him a small light seeped through the crack of my door; our heads diverted in that direction to see Corinne make a small entrance "Dad wants us all downstairs now, he said it was for the feast," both me and Nathan sighed heavily "Tell me later," I nodded and headed towards the wardrobe full of my dresses "I'll be down in a second, just let me get changed," Nathan and Corinne nodded in unison before they left to make their way downstairs to the feast.

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