Chapter 25: Something Stranger Than Dreams

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Chapter 25: Something Stranger Than Dreams

"Willow...Willow wake up...Come on Willow please, I need to know your okay," a voice in the darkness calling out at me; the voice was calming and convivial which I knew I could trust but most of all one that will always be by my side. I could feel myself stir slightly as I felt myself fallout from the dark and back into the light but as I did so I could feel a banging in my head. I moan escaped from my lips and the picture in front of me started to blur open and the image was starting to come into view. I could feel my body rock from side to side slightly which felt odd but then the feeling would settle as if the rocking had come to a halt. I let my hand reach my head hoping to calm the ache which lay within but I knew that it wouldn't do anything to help. "Willow, hey Willow," the voice I now recognised as it wasn't much of an echo anymore "Hayden?" I questioned it more than I inquired it because I wanted to be sure that it was really him, though I couldn't tell where it was coming from "Yea it's me I'm right here," but as my vision still wouldn't come back to me yet I still couldn't tell where it was coming from and once the rocking came back through my body worse than last time it didn't help with my view. Immediately I felt a warm texture intertwine their fingers in with my own, but not just that I felt my weight be dragged across the floor which felt quite rough and it seemed quite hard to move across or should I say be dragged across "Willow go back to sleep," a voice spoke to me but because I wasn't quite aware of where I was I automatically said "Hayden why should I go back to sleep?" as my vision still wouldn't come back to me I couldn't see what expression he was pulling but I knew from the tone of his voice that he was confused "Willow I didn't say that. Now forget that for a second and look at me."

I couldn't exactly do that myself because I didn't know where he was coming from however his voice did seem closer to me now and from it I felt comfort. I felt my head turn slightly while a hand was placed on my cheek but now at this point I found that I couldn't open my eyes at all, something strange was happening and it most definitely wasn't related to what happened to me earlier this was something completely different but finding out what it is will be difficult. "Willow open your eyes," I shook my head because the difficulty in doing so was preventable, I just couldn't do it "Hayden I can't, they won't open it's like their stuck or something," I tried with everything that I had but whoever told me to go back to sleep was obviously the reason why I couldn't open my eyes. "Willow please listen to me, go back to sleep," no when I was shaking my head I wasn't shaking it towards Hayden but instead at the voice inside. I didn't know it was but all I know is that I want it gone "Alright as you wish but don't say I didn't warn you," immediately my eyes opened quickly and I could see everything that was in front of me clearly and the rocking which I felt made some sense. The ship we'd rescued Xira on was the ship we had now been placed on. "Hey, can you see me?" I looked in front of my to see Hayden staring at with concern as well as an afraid look to his eyes; I nodded at his response while he plastered a small smile on his face "Thank Thor, you had me worried for a second there. What happened?" I shook my head at him unsure how to answer. All I could master was that whoever was speaking to me was also control my actions and they seemed hell bent on making sure that I would go back to sleep, the reason is why?

I leant back against one of the walls in the place I was placed in and from it I could get a better look of the place. It was easily identified that I was placed in a cell; the bars which surrounded me from the front to my right all the way to the back of the ship had been patterned in squares they were quite big but not big enough to fit my whole body through, only really the reach of your arm but that was it. The reason I said it surrounded from the front to the right all the way to the back of the ship was because the left hand side was just pure wood like the floor meaning my corner was in the corner of the ship. As I looked to Hayden the bars to his cell went all the way round from left to right till it reached the back of the ship. We both placed ourselves to the side barrier which separated us apart and gave weak smiles to each other. "How did we get here?" I asked him, he looked around the area slightly as if he were taking in the disgusting surroundings before sighing heavily "Whatever happened to us on that island, the people drugged us and brought us here I suppose," I lifted my head slightly to show I understood where he was coming from but it didn't answer the question to who so I asked but the look on Hayden's face didn't seem comforting because the scowl on he wore already identified he was angry "I have a pretty good idea on how brought us here Willow and you aren't going to like it," just as he said it I gave him a serious expression but it also hinted at my confusion "He's right, maybe you won't like who brought you here but he doesn't much care about whether the two are you care or not," I felt my eyes widen towards Hayden just as he rolled his eyes at the voice just after he slammed them. I carefully turned my head round away from Hayden to look at the figure which stood on the other side of the bars. "Miss me Willow?"

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