Chapter 22: Following In His Footsteps

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Chapter 22: Following In His Footsteps

"So you mean to tell me that everything that you believed you did leading up to 10 years old was a lie, it never happened but everything else did?" Taylor described in her own words to me as we raced up the stairs into the heart of the castle. "Exactly," I peeked round the corner to make sure that I didn't see a maid or my siblings, or better yet my father and mother. As I looked around I couldn't find them anywhere which was a good sign so I signalled Taylor to follow me down the corridor. "It's still kind of hard to believe that you had this whole alternate universe which your father just wiped from your mind. I mean magic, chaos magic, elements keeping the balance together, your brother being cursed because of it and you're the only one who can fix everything. That's a lot of information to take in Willow," I sighed heavily stopping in my tracks from the long corridor down to my room. "There isn't anything I can do about it Tay, this is it I guess and until I fix something which I made happen I can't go back to life I once led. I can't go on living the life which my father had planned for me to keep me out of all this. It's not possible," I turned on to my side to look at Taylor who had sincere look her eyes which felt meaningful and made me feel connected to her. "Then we'll fix it together," we both shared a warm smile with each other as she placed a hand on my shoulder and locked her eyes with mine before we rushed back down the corridor to my room.

Spending so much time away from this place I forgot about how long the corridors were so to me right now they felt extraordinarily long. It felt as if they just kept going and going with each turn we would take but I knew that wasn't the case. I forgot about how pristine the place looked, each window was crystallised from how clean they were, how painting on the walls never scarred and none of the designs disappeared, the curtains always being held back neatly letting the sun drop through so casually. In a way, it was nice to see it all again because it gave that flutter of hope inside my heart but then it was also false hope of reality. What everything in this home produced was a fake reality which suggested that life was great and easy but most of all that life kind. For me though, that doesn't seem to be the case. Everything that has happened in my life has been almost a complete destruction, from the moment Alesandro made an appearance in this home everything started to rot away, that's when destruction hit and my life, my family's life fell apart...all because of him. I lost everything, the people who were the closest to me and the person I used to be so I could be the person I am today without a single choice in the matter. So when I looked at everything this castle had to offer it wasn't something kind, it wasn't something easy, it was something terrible, it was something that didn't belong and every time I was here I could feel the walls closing in on me.

It used to help the moment I stood outside because, the walls would open up around me and the second I'd step outside the walls there would be that notion of freedom. Yet even now, the moment I step outside that feeling is gone because my whole life has been tipped upside down; there's that feeling inside where I like it, the adrenaline I get out of it because I know I can do the right thing and help the people I love but, then there's that other feeling where I hate it, I hate everything. I imagine that if I could, only if I could, I would destroy everything that made this happen, destroy the people that inflicted this upon me, upon us all because it isn't fair. There is always that urge and I find that I am fighting it every day hoping that it won't come through. Taylor and I soon made it to my room and I entered immediately without a single hesitation. I urged Taylor to stay by the door to make sure that no one was around while I searched for the weapon I needed. True I had my weapons belt on me but it didn't have my main weapon of choice. I only take this out when I need it most because; it's one of the precious things most lands can offer mostly because they are very hard to come by. I jumped onto my bed ignoring the respectful nature a princess should offer and reached up the ceiling of the frame and felt around the tainted wood. I knocked a few times on the wood to try and find the area which I needed but couldn't seem to find it which got me thinking maybe I was on the wrong side of the frame. I jumped to the back of the bed and tried the next frame and did the same thing. "Willow what are you doing?!" I heard a sweet voice whisper yell behind me with an aggressive tone to their voice; my eyes widened in shock suddenly as I turned my figure round slowly to find my sister Corinne with her hands on her hips and her eyes slamming in my direction.

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