Chapter 10: The Talk

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Chapter 10: The Talk

My eyes flashed the girl I recognised all too well on the ground to the pig that was laid in the bed. It all made sense now from the moment I entered this room, he wasn't reading a book, all the shifting about in the bed wasn't because of my words it was because he was hiding the girl under his bed. His appearance right now disgusted me, everything about him disgusted me and I couldn't stand the sight of him, his sight just burned my eyes. How could my father let such a disgusting pig into our kingdom, question is does he even know what he's let into our kingdom? "Willow I can explain," he kept repeating himself as I couldn't find the words to even come out of my mouth. I was too astounded by what was in front of me, how could this happen? "Willow this isn't what it looks-," the voice came from down below as the girl in front of me finally opened up her mouth to speak but at this moment in time I didn't want to speak with her, I didn't need to, my quarrel is with Alex. I let my focus land on the girl who was crawled up on the floor and stated at her in the most polite way I could "Get out of here Jane before your dad kills you," she hustled on the ground quickly finding her feet. She grabbed her shoes off the floor as I chucked her clothes at her before she headed to the door. But just before she left she turned back round to me as we made eye contact with each other "You won't tell Taylor will you?" I slammed my eyes at her and huffed "She's your sister, she'll find out either way you know she will, so I'd get running," so immediately she ran out the door, hopefully back home.

With her disappearance gone my eyes landed back on Alex who looked even guiltier than he did before. "The worst part of all this is that I came to talk to you rather than "kill" you, but you know what I think I've settled on actually just killing you now," and before he could do anything about it, my feet had made their way over to his bed with my fist colliding with his nose. The force was of brilliant force that it pushed Alex off the bed. I didn't even laugh at the sight, I just stood there ready to throw another punch if he were to come back and retaliate. His body came back up off the ground slowly, his hand was clutching his nose delicately and when he pulled it away slightly you could see the blood pouring and I knew that I probably went too far. "What the hell?!" he screamed at me clutching his nose as much as he could so he didn't drop any bit of it. "You are disgusting! You are a disgusting pig you know that! I cannot believe the nature of your personality. How dare you come into my kingdom and act all innocent when in reality you are literal scum. I'm not entirely sure what goes on in your kingdom but you aren't bringing that here you understand me?! This is a peaceful kingdom, we don't collide with people out there and they don't collide with us, it's the way it is and has always been and we have peace that way so you are not coming here and jeopardising all of that."

"It was an accident I swear to you, I didn't meant to do it, it sort of just happened." His words were stammering and I couldn't believe a single word which came out his mouth. "You think I'm gonna believe that, you think that I'm gonna believe every other lie you have told me. You are indescribable and I can't stand the sight of you. You pushed the limits, you pushed my limits and I don't ever want to see you in this kingdom ever again you hear me!" I started to make my exit as he spoke up again grabbing my arm in doing so. I looked down at it and then at him as I thrust him off me. "Willow, everything I said was the truth, I do like you I really do this was just a mistake." I pushed him away from me further because his words kept ringing in my ears; I only wished I was deaf right now. "Oh yea and when did you learn that, after you left with her and while you were doing it. I don't care if they were true or not but I'm going on fact that they probably are lies. If you think that this marriage is actually going to happen, you have another thing coming. I want you gone before the day is out; otherwise I'll force you out of here myself." I opened the door and slammed it behind me with no regrets and I sauntered down the hallway with a smile plastered on face, understanding that this time, I wasn't the one who made sure a marriage would not take place.

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