Chapter 53: Open Your Eyes

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Chapter 53: Open Your Eyes

I felt myself trace back to the past when I first met him in the forest after so many years and here we were again but in different circumstances. "Willow?" his spoke at me with despair while my facial expression said it all " is this possible?" I slowly stood up off the ground shaking my head while he kept staring at me "Hayden! Hayden where are you?!" I looked up from above watching Kai fly above the two of us before my eyes sprung back on Hayden who stood there lost and confused "Don't...please." Just as the shadow from above us started to make a descend I looked back o Hayden pleading with every ounce in my body "Please don't tell anyone," my tone was soft and subtle while we locked eyes with one another before I clasped my hand tight turning invisible just as Kai landed with Hayden's dragon in front of me, I moved swiftly into the trees and watch the boys conclude in conversation. "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost," Kai commented on the phased expression in Hayden's face while he tilted his head in every direction slowly trying to figure out where I vanished to before shaking his head at Kai "I'm fine, I thought I saw something I was wrong," he climbed on the back of his dragon with Kai while I watched the two of them set for the skies once again revealing me to be hidden in the trees invisibility turned off. I watched tightly as the two vanished high in the sky just as I fell down against the tree falling into the snow cupping my knees close to my chest holding my body in close suddenly regretting every decision I ever made. Shaking my head I pushed myself up out of the snow and plummeted up towards the air again thanks to the chaos magic inside me with a spin of my hand I created a portal leading me back into the cottage with Ash sat on the sofa staring at me as fell down next to him "What happened?" with my eyes widened staring into nothingness emphasised by my heavy breathing "He knows..." I stammered against my words while Ash just stared at me from the corner of my eye.

Even though I wasn't staring directly at him I knew he was slamming his eyes down on me hard with seriousness while I maintained my monotone in my voice while I spoke again "He knows...Hayden knows I'm alive," a moment of silence was caught between each of us with nothing to say. The only thing I could do was lean back against the cushion and let out a long exasperated sigh "I didn't want them involved and now that's exactly what they are, why didn't a be more careful?" a reply wasn't necessary from Ash and I think he knew it that's why he didn't say anything so the silence between us was carried on through. All I could feel and hear was the hammering of my heart yelling me in defeat, it may be true that I saved another village but I wasn't anywhere close in trying to find Liam but instead I've made it possible for Hayden to believe that seeing me wasn't in his imagination and it will drive him mad. I couldn't let that happen, what sort of person would that make me? I pushed myself up from the sofa and headed upstairs with a plan already in mind, when I got to my room I pulled out a piece of parchment from the drawer and immediately started writing. I rolled the parchment up placing it in my hands and let it spark into flames a little trick I stole from Alesandro so it could travel to Hayden. With everything planned I took off straight away heading to the abandoned cottage where we first met, the reason it was abandoned was because Yvette never went back to the place after everything went down. As I stood in front of the building I noticed its colouring to be dead, the berries circling the building through the vines and bushes used to be vibrant red but now they fell into a deep desolate black reflecting the mood and atmosphere the world had come to. The stone looked like debris; slowly it was crumbling down from how old it was however the glisten from the windows still looked fresh and appealing giving the cottage a welcoming state against all the wrong with it.

"I'm pretty sure this is where we made a promise Wilhelmina," I spun round to see him standing there, his tussled brown hair fell against his face but still through it I could see the hurt, lose and anger in his dark azure eyes. The bright colour that used to be there was gone and I knew the reason why which is why I had to talk with him no longer leaving him in the dark. "We made a promise, whatever happens we promise to protect each other and be there for each other through whatever comes our way and to never leave each other again, now you told me you could make that promise but you just broke it," he stepped forwards towards me while I stayed in my place "I know," my voice broke when I spoke while I let him carry on "I thought you were dead Willow, everyone believes you are dead and yet here you are stood right in front of me. How is this possible?" we stood face to face nowhere near touching distance highlighting there's distance in friendship between the two of us. I stood there looking at him not knowing what to say "I can't say I'm sorry because I know that will never be enough for what I've done, but I need you to know that what I did was for good reason," he didn't answer just stared at me waiting for the explanation so I started "When the light went off that day I thought I was dead but I wasn't, I woke up at Ash's cottage and with him I trained and engrossed in my powers because what he told me before I went in search of the gem was that I was a witch. And he was right so I practised with him," yet Hayden shook his head "That doesn't explain why you didn't come back," I sighed removing eye contact with him as well as myself. I moved across the fence along the cottage letting my hand trail across the rotting wood letting it skip the splinters that poked out at me "Because I finally understood what was going on and I didn't want you or the others involved.

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