Chapter 37: It Hurts Deeper Than You Know

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Chapter 37: It Hurts Deeper Than You Know

I'd already removed myself from the scene; I couldn't sit there a moment longer knowing what I'd just heard. As I walked away I could hear Yvette calling out my name but why would I go back especially on her command. I journeyed back through the corridors back past all the servants roaming the halls until I made it back to my own room. I opened the door immediately pulled open the door and let myself enter slamming it behind with no remorse. Anger was boiling through me, I was fuming, I was upset, I was irritated, I was consumed by so many emotions and that one sentence repeating itself through my head back and forth 'You're the daughter of James and Elyria' this wasn't happening, none of this was happening. I'm just hallucinating from the drugs, they aren't fully out of my system, this isn't actually happening but the true known fact was that it is happening and I can't hide or push it away. With all the rage I was feeling inside my hands travelled across the dresser chucking every little item to the ground and the perfume cracked open once it collided with the ground letting the liquid slip out onto the carpet. I didn't much care, I let all the liquid spill out the bottle and onto the carpet, who cares right now all I care about is the news I've just heard. "Willow calm down!" the stress of Liam's voice in my head piped up out of the blue, but I didn't wanna hear him right now "Did you know?" I got no response from him so I put more pressure into my voice to show how serious and outraged I am right "Liam! Did you know?! Answer me!" so I waited, waited for Liam to reply to me and his response to me was slow and cautious "Yes I knew, I knew everything" I shook my head with an almighty glare written across my face "How could you not tell me?" my voice was deep with fury as I stared across the room only focusing on the boy inside my head "I didn't want to upset you, and I didn't think it was my place to do so. I figured if my mother told you it wouldn't be so bad," it didn't change anything; I was still fuming at this boy. I thought he was someone I could trust, he told me I could trust him but I can't not when he won't tell me everything he knows, everything that I need to know.

"Get out of my head Liam, I don't wanna talk to you right now," with those words out in the open I felt his presence disappear from my mind and I was glad, I didn't need him anywhere near me right now. That's when a knock came from the door, I looked in that direction and it automatically opened to reveal Hayden walking into the room "No," I immediately said to him "Willow wait," but I walked towards him and already started pushing him out the room "I can't deal with this right now," I kept trying to push him out of my room but it was no use he just kept barging back inwards "Well I think you should deal with it right now because you can't avoid it, at least I can't avoid it. We need to talk about it Willow," I stopped and looked up at him glaring as profoundly as I could "I don't wanna talk about it, so please leave," and I started pushing him out again but he just thrust me back inwards slamming the door behind him "Yea! Well guess what, I do! You aren't the only one who was lied to their whole life Willow, so if you think this is hard on you; it's extremely hard on me!" I walked away from him as I couldn't stand to here it even though I should "Don't walk away from me, we're talking about this whether you like it or not," I stormed back round to look at him with the fire igniting inside my blood profusely. "What do you want me to say Hayden?! Yea we were lied to our whole lives, if your mother and my father hadn't decided to fall in love the balance wouldn't be broken, I wouldn't be here right now and you know what that's probably for the best because then at least everyone would be at peace and wouldn't have to deal with the catastrophe they created. I can't deal with this because I don't know how, my life is so messed up that I can't deal with another piece of news which is ruining my life! I want it all gone! I just wanna be normal but you know that isn't gonna happen! So tell me what do you want me to say?!"

I stormed back round away from him as I was being rhetorical so I wasn't expecting a reply to come from him but when in reality I really should have expected it coming "You know what Willow, your absolutely right," I turned back to face him slightly as he seemed incredibly smug in his tone making me realise I don't think I'm gonna like where this is going. "If my mother never went with your father you wouldn't be here, the balance wouldn't be broken and my sister would still be alive. Amelia would still be alive today if it wasn't for you, everyone has tried their entire life to protect you from everything and my little sister got caught in the crosswire. She's dead because of you, and you know what my mother always seemed touchy all the time when your name was mentioned in our home when meetings took place and I never knew why but now I do. She was mourning for you, she was mourning for her first born daughter and then Amelia was just born out of guilt because of what she did," I couldn't help what I was about to do I just had to do it; my feet travelled towards Hayden and my fist connected with his face, he stumbled backwards slightly clutching hold of his lip then looked at me shocked at my actions but before he could do anything I pushed him backwards. I went to throw another punch but he ducked away from me then flipped me over his head so I landed on my back down on the ground. I felt winded for a second while he pinned me down into the ground "How dare you say that to me?" I growled at him as he looked down at me "What? The truth hurts deal with it," I raised my leg and kicked him in the groin then attacked my head against his and crawled away from him as he fell backwards. I got up off the floor as he did the same and I got ready for him to come at me again and I watched as his eyes flashed yellow towards me as he started breathing uncontrollably "Come at me, I dare you," I edged him onwards and he took the bait. He came charging towards me and I stunned him backwards away from so he hit back down against the floor, he looked back at me now with his eyes full on yellow.

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