Chapter 54: The Truth Is In The Dark

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Chapter 54: The Truth is in The Dark

"Hey Liam," I moved my posture to a strong stance so we were stood facing each other directly. Half of my hair trailed off my shoulders while the rest of it was either down my back or front as I kept the mystical glow vibrating through my hands. The red was the only creating a warm presence within the cove, along with the black and white sparks of electricity from the barrier held around all my friends. "Willow?" I nodded at the hollow sound of Liam "It's me," I spoke gently at him with a smile on my face; his eyes looked down at my hands frowning until I got rid of the glow as a sign of trust. His posture changed so the warm atmosphere my glow was creating had vanished meaning a sense of impending danger could be at front but I had to solve this democratically, I didn't want this to end in violence. "Let them go, they have no part in this it's between you and me," his eyes looked behind me at them while I tried to not do the same "They have every part in this, don't you get that," I frowned at the man confused at what he was saying so I stepped closer to him while he stayed where he was "Where have you been?" I asked him directly "Willow what is going on?" I ignored the voices coming from behind me and focused on the male in front of me. Liam noticed I was ignoring the people behind me who I call friends knowing my sole focus was fixed on him and only him. "Trying to find you," I nodded at him "That's why you attacked those villages?" I mentioned to him but he raised his eyebrows looking puzzled "Come on Liam, don't do that. Just tell me the truth," but he shook his head at me "Willow I didn't attack any village, I went to help those villages," it was my turn to raise my eyebrow because if it wasn't him who attacked the villages then who did because I'm pretty sure no one held the same power as he did. It was always believed me and him were the originals of a new kind of power. "Don't listen to him Willow," it didn't matter what Hayden was saying behind me because I was believing what was right in front of me. I've known this guy for as long as I can remember and he's never lied to me so why would he start now?

"I know what you think is about to happen. Everyone knows it, you kill me to get rid of the growing power within the four kingdoms because that's what the prophecy states," Liam stated the facts at me as I nodded with uncertainty. That was the truth, that's what the prophecy stated since we were the two children born from two elemental blood lines, I was the one who gained all the power and he was the growing threat so the equals was easy to master. But why do I have this gut feeling inside me telling me there was something bigger going on here? I could end it here and now, with a click of my finger this could all be finished "Finish it Willow," but if I wanted to do that, then I would have done it already and yet here we all still stand. I let the power emerge back in my hands and fired at the electric wall surrounding my friends breaking the chain around them setting them free sending them into a run at me while I walked away from Liam "This doesn't end in a fight, nothing happens here today or any day." Everyone looked at me in bewilderment as I walked past them starting for the exit of the cove while they all kept their eyes pierced on the back of my head while I made a swift exit. "You're right Willow, nothing will happen because it was all a lie," I stopped abruptly in my tracks hearing the same word that constantly made an appearance throughout my life. 'Lie' everything on this journey I was told had been a lie and when I think everything is fine the word pops back up as if it's the reason for causing trouble throughout my whole life. "The prophecy was a lie Willow, there never was one until we were born. There were never any laws in the kingdom about two elemental kingdoms combining and creating a child," my heart was hammering at the words Liam was spilling, letting them echo throughout the cove creeping into my ears like the gust of wind was making it possible. Everything around me was frozen, I couldn't move in my spot as I let the words sink into my brain. I listened to them closely letting them spiral inside my mind so I could register every single one in a hope I could re-fix the puzzle I thought I already fixed. "Think about it Willow, we have powers beyond the control of the elements. What do you think that does to people? It scares them."

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