Chapter 31: Difference Between Truth and Lies

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Chapter 31: Difference between Truth and Lies

With an immediate reach to my room I slammed the door behind me sending a quiver round my room from the little extract of magic which escaped my hand. I stormed into my room with anger and confusion flooding through every inch of my body. I found myself pacing back and forth in front of my room with every word about my history flooding through my brain but Alesandro's sticking out the most 'But after the explosion that night and you disappeared I never got to see you again' I didn't get it, I didn't get anything now. Why was everything in my life falling apart, crumbling to pieces? Why was I always being lied to?! I felt my hand pull apart the flowers in the back of my hair chucking them towards the desk followed by the pins holding the plaits together so my hair fell down my back and over my shoulders in a complete mess. I didn't care; my hands ran themselves through it as I kept pacing back and forth until I clutched hold of my head hard ready to scream to remove all the stories in my head. So many voices calling out in my brain recalling all the events about what happened that night; every story was the same except from his, why was his so different to everything else I've heard? That's when I did it; at the top of my lungs I immediately screamed quenching my eyes shut as tight as they possibly could go clutching hold of my head harder and falling down to my knees. "Willow...Willow..." I lifted my head back up suddenly all the voices out of my head except one, one recurring voice which keeps haunting me since I've been on that ship. It didn't frustrate me though, the way it was calming and concerning towards me it made me feel at ease and right now inside my heart I believed I could trust him more than the people around me. Without realising what I was about to do I called out to the air around me "Liam..?"

I knew why I said that, but at the same time I didn't. The reason I cried out that name was because of the resemblance I noticed between him and the boy in my last dream. At the moment this was the only thing making sense to me and if I could grab hold of one piece of truth I would be happy as that is all I need right now. The reason why I didn't know why I'd said it was because I feared it to be another lie another trick on my mind and I didn't want to put myself through that again. It didn't matter because something inside of me told me to trust the instinct I was feeling, trust it more than I've ever trusted it before. "Willow come find me," I wasn't going to object; I pushed myself up off the ground circled round the side of the bed before slipping on inside. I rested my head up against the pillows and let my eyes drift me off into the darkness. Out of all the eagerness I have felt on this journey so far and how sure I've been of it, it didn't compare to how sure I was feeling right now. I needed to know one bit of truth and if this boy inside my head was the boy in my first dream where we made a promise, if he was the boy in my latest dream who goes by the name Liam then I have to find out. He helped me try to escape the ship by using the earth element inside me and I didn't listen instead I let Hayden get out rather than the pair of us and it proved that he was right. If everything about him was true then maybe he'd tell me the truth about everything else. I needed someone like that right now and maybe he's the one who can give it to me. It didn't take long for the darkness to take over my brain, sooner than later the orangey sunset landscape took back over my surroundings and the figure stood in the distance like it usually did. I didn't walk, I ran towards them immediately because I was no longer concerned of this person rather intrigued to find out more hoping, understanding he would give it to me.

I slowed down my pace when we neared each other but I analysed him clearly in my head. I matched the features of the younger boy from my dream to the boy who stood in front of me now. They shared the same red hair, they shared the same blue eyes, the same small freckles which lightly highlighted their skin and the same genuine anxious look when they knew something was bothering me or hurting me. I didn't hesitate, I didn't let him speak first because now it was my time, I needed answers and I was going to get them one way or another. "I made a promise to a boy a very long time ago. A promise which keeps popping up in my life, in my dreams regularly and I was starting to wonder who they were and why it went wrong." I could feel a crack in my voice as my memory started to remember why the boy disappeared from my life "He seemed...he used to be one of my closest friends yet he disappeared when I needed him most. It wasn't until I was on that ship; I learnt his name...Liam." I watched for something to happen in front of me and when I looked at the boy in front I saw a flicker inside of his eyes at the mention of the name, they shone almost brightly at me as if something had clicked inside of him, something highlighting a sense of hope and delight. "I'd just come from the castle. Yvette was taking me to the cottage to stay with her and this boy. I was so excited and when we came close, we saw each other and inside me a flutter of excitement hit me further and I began running as did he-," I didn't know where I was going with this but I knew I had to start somewhere, start somewhere I knew an answer would come clean at least hopefully but I was suddenly caught off guard when he cut ahead of me "But suddenly they collided with one another down in the snow with their feet in tangles. Liam told Willow to let him move his foot so they could stand and when they did they made the promise they wouldn't let anything happen to the other person."

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