Chapter 13: Casting Back To The Past

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Chapter 13: Casting Back To The Past

Here I now sat; sat down in my aunt's living area with the blanket now wrapped around my lap with hands clasped round it tightly making sure it was held against my body protectively. With my father's presence now gone, I felt that much calmer with the atmosphere and more ready to finally hear the truth. The truth which Yvette wanted to spill all along, the truth she was dying to let escape her lips. But most of all, I was ready to hear it. I was ready to step out from the darkness and finally learn the truth; the truth about who I am and what's inside of me. The sound of Yvette's footsteps entering the room interrupted my thoughts and my gaze focused away from the crackling fire to meet her instead. She took her place next to and handed over a glass of water which I held in my hands but never pressed against my lips. "How long was I asleep for?" I couldn't understand how and why that was the first question that came out of my mouth; maybe I just wanted to settle into everything slowly, maybe that way it wouldn't be so hard to take it all in. "Well you came here at about five or six yesterday evening and it's around eight in the morning now," she didn't need to carry on because I knew the math. "Okay so how should I start all this..." Yvette spoke up again and took her hand within mine as she lightly pulled it away from the glass "Just...start from the beginning. That's usually a good place." Both our voices were soft with each other and we both shared the same weak smile just before she took a deep breath and began her story from the beginning.

What you don't know about the world Willow is its division. For as long as we can remember, the world was divided between four elements, Earth, Water, Fire and Air. Now these four elements kept the balance in the world and they all had a role to play. To make sure that the balance was kept in place, four kingdoms were created to protect these elements. Valhurst for Earth, Ivna for Water, Shadowwyn for Fire and Oro Encantandor for Air; against all other kingdoms in the world, these four were the only protectors. The elements weren't just a tool that were made to keep the balance in check, they also had special gifts and these gifts they beheld had to be kept safe and the only way for that to be possible was for it to be part of someone or other words inside of someone. Each one is different, it gave different abilities to each of the kingdoms and this power was transferred from each heir of the family line. For a very long time this created peace within all lands and everything was calm. Though where there's magic, something else always follows closely behind it; with these elements came a prophecy, a prophecy which claimed a luring craving of power would come and infect the four elements and only one with the ability of all would be able to defeat the threat. No one took any notice to this prophecy as there were no indications it would come true but also because no one understood what it meant.

For year's peace swept over the four kingdoms as did it with the alliance of other kingdoms in the world. Then your father and I were born. We were incredibly great friends with all the heirs in each kingdom; the prince in Shadowwyn, his name was Alesandro, Yeneve the prince of Oro Encantandor, Elyria princess of Valhurst and her twin brother Joseph. As well as this Yeneve had a close connection with a woman named Xira from Los Royaux. Each of us had a close bond with each other that was known to never be broken. In the family line, my brother was known to have the gift of the Water element, Alesandro was Fire, Yeneve was Air and Elyria was Earth. Though as generations changed and you, Corinne and Nathan were born, the kingdoms' became paranoid due to a...rumour of a growing power within them. In a time like this, we all went to the only solution we could think of and that was the prophecy. It was believed that the answers would be there and the only answer found was "the one with the ability of all would be able to defeat the threat". The only thing which confused us all was there was no one in the kingdoms which had an ability of the sort. We all wondered that if this was true and there was a power rising how would it be defeated and how would we keep you children safe alongside it.

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