Chapter 47: Dangerous Or Safe? You Choose.

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Chapter 47: Dangerous or Safe? You Choose.

Through the whole journey back to Los Royaux, I couldn't stop staring at the ruby placed around my neck. It's swirling red light inside kept igniting back at my eyes as if it was smiling at me. Strange as it may seem I could feel a connection between the ruby and I but it was a connection I couldn't explain. Deep down I knew it protected me back at that battle but trying to explain that to everyone else would be a whole different story, by the looks on their faces they didn't believe me when I told them in the first place so going any further with it would be a waste of my breath so why would I even bother? It was best to keep it to myself than say anything else but what I really wanted to know was how to get the water element out of the necklace before it was too late for Nathan and the four kingdoms. It didn't matter because as long as I had the necklace I'll be able to destroy it whenever I feel the time is right since by the looks of things no one is able to touch it without injuring themselves. As wrong as it was to think of this, I was glad Jayden was the first to get hurt by the device because after all he's done he's the one who deserves it most out of any of us. I wasn't even going to try and answer the question to why I was the only one allowed to touch it because then my head would be frazzled and I can't deal with anymore confusion to the brain it'll just tire me out and I don't need that. Who knows, maybe I'll gain another nose bleed and pass out again which will drive everyone nuts to wonder what is happening with me. I'm pretty sure Alesandro knows what's wrong with me, but the question to whether or not he'll tell me is another story entirely because how am I supposed to know whether he sent Jayden out to look for me once I found the necklace, as I was pretty convinced there was a slight entity of trust between Alesandro and I. Or was I just being a fool to believe any trust could be gained from that man?

Los Royaux appeared in the distance and Crystal zoomed ahead of Kai and Taylor who were behind. Hayden tightened his grip around my waist so he didn't fall off Crystal's back as she neared closer and closer. Her claws planted on the ground letting Hayden and I slide neatly off from her back. I petted her side as she nuzzled her head against me sharing the love between the pair of us while Hayden just gave me a look while I stared at him back "What?" I questioned his stare at me while he analysed me and Crystal hugging each other "Nothing, I just can't get over you and one of the most lethal dragons having connections that's all," immediately Crystal bared her teeth towards Hayden obviously feeling offended by his remark while I laughed at her holding her back while reassuring her everything was fine whereas Hayden just crossed his arms glaring at a dragon obviously unimpressed with her attitude. In my eyes, these two are just as bad as each other with the way they have suddenly started behaving with each other. It didn't take long for Kai and Taylor to land next to the three of us raising an eyebrow at the scene between Hayden and my dragon and I just finished it with "Don't ask," each of them nodded as we all headed back inside the castle. I slowed down as they all carried on so I could tie up my boot lace but as soon as I pulled back up I knocked my head against something harsh making me clutch my head immediately in pain but as I looked up I noticed Kai clutching hold of his chin moving it back in place. "Sorry..." I apologised to him as he shook it off "Its fine," it crossed my mind to wonder why he was still here when Taylor and Hayden had already moved on ahead to meet Yvette and Elyria probably but I didn't question because I didn't want to make things awkward between us. That's when the kiss exploded in my mind bringing back the moment between us lying in the snow.

The texture of his arm wrapped around me come flooding back in and goose-bumps started trailing up my body as the pair of started to walk again. The sweet sensation of his lips touching mine sent warm boils of excitement screaming around every vein and blood vessel possible. There's no way I would know whether or not he'd be feeling the same as I am right now but it wasn't until I could feel a slight tingle happen when I could feel a soft movement pass by my hand, I looked down without making it too obvious only to see him draping his fingers next to mine letting them slide into my hesitantly. Instinct must be taking over my body as I let my eyes pull away from the scene and let my fingers intertwine themselves through his with peace and without the disruption. Before I knew it our palms were pressed against each other with our fingers intertwined as we made our way to room across from us. For a moment, I could feel an evaporation of warmth circulate around my body making me almost lost in the moment just like back at the lake. I never thought I could feel this way about someone, yet here it was an adrenaline pulsing through me every time he was close to me sending channels of love through every bone underneath this thick shell of mine. We entered the room already to see Hayden and Taylor filling in Yvette, Elyria and Xira of the events that have just taken place; their gaze lifted from them and onto us as soon as we entered the room but once again I couldn't see any sign of Corinne anywhere in the room which was sending alarm bells around in my head since this is the second time I have seen her gone missing. I was starting to get suspicious.

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