Chapter 46: Fight For Survival

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Chapter 46: Fight for Survival

Kai's eyes ignited in shock as he looked down at the same area my eyes were gazing. Through the deep, desolate blue the shimmering glow of velvet red flared in our direction. "We won't be able to reach that, it's too far down and the water will be freezing, not one of us will be able to sustain our body temperature we'll die," I wasn't really listening to the words Kai was trying to explain to me as I delicately placed my fingers on the thin layer of ice scattering all over the lake; within an instance, the ice began to shine before shattering falling far into the water never to be seen again. I knelt back on my knees and watched as the water waved around taking in the new fresh air it was able to gain before settling back down to stillness as if it had no life at all. "Okay, well that's one way to unfreeze the lake but I still stand by what I said. Neither of us will be able to make it down there, it's just not possible unless you're planning on killing the both of us. Or maybe just me in case you're planning on sending me down there because I won't do it, I'm putting my foot down. So we need to think of a sensible way to reach the ruby," I let Kai keep rambling to himself as he's trying to figure out a way to reach the ruby. My eyes looked over at him to notice him pacing back on and firth with his hand on his chin, his eyes buried into the ground fixating on a plan to keep both of us safe. As he did that I hurriedly took off my coat and chucked it in the snow, I unwrapped my weapons belt from around my waist and chucked it on top of my coat before finally started undoing the laces on my boots. "So a sensible way to do this is if you-," Kai stopped talking and looked down at me as I pulled off one of my boots "What are you doing?" I ripped the second boot of my foot and looked back at Kai finally answering him through his long speech "Getting my necklace back," immediately I jumped within the lake without a retort from Kai except from his cry "Or you can just dive in there, I guess that works too!"

My dive landed me directly deep within the icy breeze of the water, its frozen touch colliding with every vessel within my body. I kept my eyes open within the desolate sapphire with the light emitting from inside the ruby's glow. I didn't hold back as I automatically started swimming towards the glow. I found my weight sinking deeper and deeper into the opaque ocean. No sign of life was present in the water except strands of small water weeds and floating lily pads rising to the surface of the lake reaching for breath. Breath proved to be something contained within in me as I searched further and further through the crystal waters. The temperature little by little started to take effect on my body but my breath was contained the whole way down. I found myself with the ability to breathe just like Liam told me back at Shadowwyn. I hadn't believed him but it seemed to be working and I found myself nearing closer and closer to my prize. The motion of getting deeper only made me feel the necklace was moving further away from me as when I looked up the outside world seemed too far away for me to reach and I couldn't understand why. That was until I could feel myself finding it hard to stay conscious underneath the water, the breath which I thought I had control of was slowly dwindling and the darkness started to creep through round the edges of my eyes. "Willow what are you doing get out now!" the sudden interruption of Liam vibrated through my brain sending a flood of pain cascading through my head. There was no energy or air to let me answer him so I just had to keep going no matter what it takes. "Willow you're running out of air! You can't accomplish breathing under water on your first try. Willow get out!" I didn't attempt to listen to him because it was understand I had to keep going to get what I wanted.

A rush of adrenaline was pulsing through me, telling me I was capable in what I set out to do. Inside my core I knew I was able to contain my breath, I knew I didn't need practise to achieve holding my breath under water instead it was just the fear and my nerves telling me otherwise, and of course Liam included. So it was decided, I pushed away the thought of all those things and focused on one single thing and that was the ruby shining in front of me moving closer and closer to me. The darkness creeping in around the pupils of my eyes diluted outwards giving me the vision to see once again with the knowledge to focus once again I found the ruby just in arms length of where I swam and the life outside beyond the lake wasn't as far away as it once looked to be and I knew I had everything under control with the presence of Liam sent away I knew my objective to be clear. With my eyes gaze locked on the necklace in front of me I realised the glow to be brighter than I had been when Kai and I looked at it together from above. My hand levelled out to reach for it and I could feel heat and vibrations emitting off from it as it tried reaching out for me. I took hold of the ruby within my hand, just as I did so a bright light took off all around me; the light immediately vanished and as I looked down I found the necklace vanished within in my hand or it now to be placed around my neck. I didn't wait any longer as I could feel the presence of the icy touch from the waters connect further with my skin so I decided to take my exit from up above. I swam up as fast as I could and immediately I flipped my head out of the water reaching out for the edge of the lake. Without a second hesitation, warm arms wrapped themselves around me pulling me out from the waters pulling me against them immediately rubbing their hand up and down my arm as I shivered against them.

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