Chapter 12: Learning The Past To Step Into The Future

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Chapter 12: Learning the Past to Step Into The Future

I just kept on running. I just had to keep on running; the fear inside me was uncontrollable and I felt scared. Scared in a way that I'd never felt so before. I knew where my feet were taking me and I only hoped that I could get there faster. With each and every crunch of the snow beneath my feet I pushed all my strength into the ground so that my speed would increase and I could get to my destination faster. My heart was pounding out of chest, my breath was increasing and the little puffs our air from the cold was barely visible due to the acceleration in speed I was taking. Every fragment of the events which took place were creating a montage of images through my brain and I couldn't contain them all at once but, the only one thing that stood out to me the most was the evaporating substance which came out of me. It's mystical red vibrancy which swirled around in my hands, the damage it caused to man in front of me but the only thing that really stayed clued to my mind was that the thing he was looking for actually turned out to be me. His words repeating within my brain "It's is that possible?" I just couldn't understand what he meant by it and considering everything is happening all at once, all too fast; I couldn't take it all in altogether...not right now. My only hope right now was Yvette that was the only thing I understood at this moment in time. I knew, somehow I knew that I should be making my way to her, I know that she will understand and I know that she can probably help and explain things to me. She's the only hope that I have left...that's what I see in my eyes.

Before I knew it, I found myself back at the cottage. It still lay neatly hidden within the tree canopy and the vines still trailed neatly around the edges and up the walls. The bushes didn't look a thorn out of place and it all looked normal and peaceful just like it always had done. But I zoomed past this paradise of beauty and stormed through the door slamming it behind me without a single hesitation to pay attention to the violence of strength I showed. "Yvette!!" the echoing of my voice made the room seem bigger than it actually was and I kept screaming out her name as I searched the whole cottage until I could find a trace of her. I found nothing. The kitchen was completely abandoned, the living area completely abandoned, even upstairs there was completely nothing no trace of her anywhere. It didn't stop me though, I kept yelling out her name until I would get a call back from her. Even if that meant my lips would go parch in dryness and my throat sore from all the yelling. It would all be worth it just to get some answers. "Yvette!!" the screaming escalating in pitch every time her name was called. "Willow?!" I stopped in my tracks upstairs and let my breathing control the emotions I was feeling. My voice fell silent as I waited for the call again so I could understand that I wasn't going completely insane and imagining she was here right now. "Willow is that?!" there the sweet voice was again and it was definitely clear it was no imagination.

"Yvette!" the footsteps travelling up the stairs was the final clarification I needed especially with its cry of rush as it sped up to reach to me. Evacuating the room I was in I saw her stood there. Her hair was just as clam as usual with it pinned up with those little strands falling down by her face closely followed by her same attire the last time I saw her. Though the perfect figure didn't match the expression on her face; she automatically knew the problem once she saw the expression on my face so that it reflected her own. Her eyes scanned the positioning of my hands and they were fiddling with each other before sometimes clasping into small fists just as she looked back up at me. Now I could feel small tears running down my face as she rushed her way over to me "Willow, what happened?" I shook my head at her as she took her hands within my own which sent a flush of comfort transfer round my whole body. I felt my body shake even more uncontrollably now that she was here and everything that I wanted to say couldn't escape from my lips. It had to be the state of shock. It just had to be. Yvette wrapped her arm round my shoulder and led me into her bedroom and sat me down on the soft texture of her bed.

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