Chapter 19: My Promise To You

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Chapter 19: My Promise To You

Once I knew that we were as far away as possible from Jayden, Alex and the rest of their men, I halted in my tracks and leant up against the closet tree to me and took gasps of air back into my lungs. I looked over to see Hayden bending over with his hands placed on his knees also taking gasps of air though his seemed heavier. "Can you tell me what that was all about now please," he looked up from his knees and glued his attention onto me instead. "Isn't there a place not out in the open Willow? I'll tell you everything I promise, we still can't talk out in the open anything could happen and it's late," I sighed taking in my surroundings now clear to me that the twilight night had taken its effect and the only reflecting light came from the moon bouncing itself off the snow glistening under our feet. "Alright, you have a point. I know where we can go follow me," I pushed my weight away from the tree and waited for him to pick back up the bags he dropped after we stopped running, it surprised me highly that he was still able to contain each of them after what we just went through. I didn't question it, just helped him with his belongings and the both of us started to trek back through the snow in the dead of night. The silence between us was deafening and all I could hear was the pounding of my heart beating in front of me from the adrenaline pulsing through my whole body and the huffing of both mine and Hayden's breathing highlighting how we are both out of breath slightly still. As we made our way through the pressure of thick snow I could finally the glimmer of warm light inside the cottage appear in the distance. "Willow what's that up ahead?" Hayden questioned our actions as we moved closer towards the cottage; the only reply I gave was said with a warm smile plastered on my face follow by an exasperated sigh "Home," and we carried on walking towards it.

When we both made our presence known at the cottage I could hardly see the beauty it gave off during the day due to the night but the colour of warmth inside was the only beauty I needed at this moment in time because, I knew that once I would step back inside the home the fire which crackled inside would send the warmth through my body, seep through each of my veins and I would feel belonging once again. The image of this happening was ruined from my brain as soon as my eyes landed on the figure storming its way over towards us both with a glare written across their face. "Wilhelmina Ivaleen where the hell have you been?" I felt my eyes widen at the rage coming from Yvette's voice as the tone seemed concerning and worrying. From the corner of my eye I could see Hayden's head turn to look at me with a questioning tone to his voice and trying to hold back laughter he spoke "Wilhelmina?" but automatically before he could say another word I lifted my foot and quickly stood on his by dropping it with abrupt force "Ow!" he screamed in pain just as Yvette made her presence clearly known in front of us both. Her arms wrapped themselves around me and clutched hold tightly "I was worried sick. When Crystal came back without you I wondered the worst about what could have happened," I laughed nervously as she let go of me and scanned nearly every inch of me to make sure that I was okay. "I'm fine Yvette honestly sorry I didn't come back sooner, let's just say that we ran into a few complications," at the sound the note 'we' Yvette had raised her eyebrow just as I turned my body to the side and gestured to Hayden who had a weak smile on his face "Hayden, Hayden Vale?" she questioned his name carefully as she looked at him with an analysing look as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Nice to see you again Yvette," a smile expanded on Yvette's face as she seemed surprised though delighted at the same time to him. "Come on inside you two out of the cold," she turned her back on us both and walked back inside just as the pair of us started to follow her lead. Just as I imagined, as I stepped through the doorway the warmth expanded all the way round my body and it definitely felt better than standing out in the cold. I removed my boots and hung my coat on the shelf before dropping all Hayden's bags in exhaustion and taking a seat on the sofa in the middle of the room. I watched as Hayden mirrored my actions and took a seat next to me; as soon as he sat down I couldn't help but let my body slide onto his, I just felt the need to lie down from all the excitement which has taken place today. I heard him chuckle slightly just as he wrapped his arm round me and Yvette entered back in the room with glasses of water and tray of what I assumed were her homemade biscuits. I would usually take one because they always had an amazing almond flavour to them and she always carved them into different shapes, most of the time they reflected what me and my siblings love most. Yvette always said that it helped her feel closer to us whenever she couldn't be there. "Hayden why are you here? Why aren't you with your parents?" Yvette asked him straight away as I looked up at him ready for the first answer he would give today "It's a long story, but my mother sent me. She said that I had to find you and Xira because you were the only ones who would understand."

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