Chapter 15: Strange Occurrences

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Chapter 15: Strange Occurrences

I knew that I would be staying with Yvette for some time and I wasn't very prepared clothes and facilities wise to keep myself prepared for those days. I decided that once the snow died down I would head back to the castle pick up a few things and then make my way back here. It's been almost two days where the snow has been at its heaviest; it's strange because it hasn't snowed like this before since I was 14 years old. However, among that time I helped Yvette around her home, I made sure that I tended to the fire when the fire burned out, I made sure that I helped making the food and washing up the dishes. See even though I'm a royal I can still act like a normal individual. Other than I've been reading Yvette's book on the dragons which used to exist before they got sent into hiding. After I met Kzidazz I've wanted to learn more about them and more about her. I found out that Kzidazz is a Vivid Claw; they are rare dragons who love to rest themselves amongst jewels and gold, though I find that may be different from Kzidazz only because Yvette doesn't seem to show any evidence of jewels or gold within her stable or home. I love how though they are known to be sly and clever, it makes me realise why they are rare. Yvette said that I could keep the book for as long as I wanted and I was happy about that because it kept me amused while the time I was here at least until I'm able to figure out what I'm meant to be doing.

I looked out the window and watched as the snow started to fall ever so lightly taking this as my chance to head back home and collect some of my things. "Yvette the snows died down so I'll see you when I get back from the castle!" I called out to her from downstairs while putting on my boots. "Alright, I'll see you later! Just be careful out there!" I laughed slightly from her reply "I will!" I picked up my coat off the rail and wrapped it around me, then pulling the hood over my head. I called out goodbye just as I slammed the door behind me and I found the snow inches between my knees and my feet. My weight felt extremely heavy as I trotted through the snow the best that I could but I found my weight being dragged pulling the snow along with me because it was so heavy. I made it through the forest finally but it felt like it took me forever. As I walked all I could hear was the crunch of snow beneath my feet and its cold temperature seep through my leather trousers slowly by the minute. I ignored it and carried on making my way through until I swear I could a noise come from somewhere. I looked around behind me but saw that no one was there until that's when it hit me, I'm pretty sure the sound didn't come from behind me. I thought I must be imagining it so I carried on my march towards the castle. That's when I heard it again.

This time I stopped within my tracks and did a thorough look around me to find out where the sound was coming from exactly. It didn't sound friendly let me tell you that which is why I was being cautious. It was a sound I was unfamiliar with, something that I didn't recognise all too well. Its pitch was low and almost deep. It had a purring sound almost attached to it and at this point I slowly placed my hand on the sword attached to my belt around my waist. I wasn't sure what I was expecting to find but I a slight urge inside me telling me that it wasn't going to be good. The purring sound sort of seemed like it was hunting and that was what made my final decision to be wary. It suddenly stopped. I heard nothing wherever the sound had gone I couldn't hear it anymore. With reassurance that everything was okay I turned back round to keep walking back home. Immediately, I felt my body fall back into the snow as landed in front of me was a creature I'd never seen before. Okay that's not entirely true, the creature was a dragon breed I'd never set my eyes on before. It had shining scales of black and white with small hints of silvery grey, it had piercing teal eyes I could see as it locked eyes with me. Its head was shaped beautifully followed by its body but its tailed astounded me. Its tail was thin and spiralled out behind them with small spikes coming out from him and that's when I noticed it had small spikes around its head as well. To me it didn't seem threatening at least not until it screamed right in my face.

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