Chapter 11: Secrets Becoming Reality

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Chapter 11: Secrets Becoming Reality

Why did I have a gut wrenching pain tearing at my heart? It kept going through my brain that I was probably a bit too harsh on my father. But I gave him a chance to explain himself but he didn't; why couldn't he be the better person and just admit that he's hiding something from me it would make our whole situation that much easier. Though it had to be understood, that was never going to be case. What hurts the most is how he was able to lie straight to my face. How could he do that to his own daughter, must of been practising real hard to actually accomplish that move. But I knew someone who wouldn't lie to me, especially from the factors of her wanting to tell me from the beginning by the sounds of it. So I set my tracks off to find Yvette, hopefully she hasn't left the castle yet so I wouldn't have to leave to find her. I just wasn't in the mood for that at the moment. So I tracked down every hallway of this place and I couldn't find any sign of her anywhere meaning she must of left after the argument with my father to head home. Who would blame her? Ever since I can remember, she's hated living her or just even stepping foot here yet still never understood why. In failing with my mission I headed back to my room and jumped back on the bed, this life was actually pretty boring, there was nothing to do and even after a while I can't find interest in the training arena. Why did being a princess have to suck so much?

I was lost in my thoughts dwelling over the facts of my life until I heard three knocks on my door before it opened without a reply. A head poked round the corner for me to identify it to be Nathan and a smile plastered upon my face as he entered the room fully. "So we heard what happened with Alex?" I was confused at the word 'we' until Corinne also made her entrance behind Nathan slowly. I gestured them both over to the bed and we resumed the position we took hold of earlier; Nathan was led on the right hand side of the bed while Corinne took refuge on the left while I wrapped both my arms around them individually holding them close. "Do you know what's surprising?" Corinne piped up and said locking eyes with me as I looked down at her. Even though the room was quite dark her emerald eyes did show sparkle and light as well as that, they looked so innocent and happy something that made me realise, it was an emotion that I probably never gave off easily, at least not like her. So looking at her right now actually made me feel happy as did it when I looked at Nathan because what I needed was right here, I didn't need a marriage or adventure to make me happy when happiness was right here with me from the beginning.

"Dad actually agreed with you this time," I let myself think for a moment just as Nathan spoke up to continue Corinne's point "I think that's rare, you should remember that for future reference," from that we couldn't help but laugh slightly. "Yea maybe I will, but I must say, at least getting rid of suitors almost every day isn't boring because now I'm bored," I moaned at them. Complete silence between us and it didn't feel like a good silence either so I led cautiously expecting something to happen. Through this thought of my own I was brought back to reality with the flash of pillow slashed across my face, two in fact. I sat up abruptly and looked round at them both as they held the pillows in their hands, hands clasped round them tightly ready for another throw each sharing their mischievous looks my way. I laughed at them and grabbed a pillow of my own commenting "You guys couldn't beat me when we were kids, but it's so on," immediately all three of us tackled each other into the bed and began thrashing the pillow's at one another with no remorse to how hard the pillow would attack. It went on for what felt like forever, and sooner than later the pillows started rip and the feathers came out and we became tackled up in all of them.

Each one got stuck on our clothes and in our hair, but it didn't seem to bother us as we kept the pillows hitting each of us. At this point though the fun had to come to an end, only because of the feathers were out of each of my pillows and my room looked like a complete wreck. The three of us landed back down on the bed, tired and out of breath from reliving our childhood days. It was probably the best fun that I've had in days, no lie. All I could hear at this point were the pumping of each of hearts banging out of our chests and the heaving breathing released from our lips. It seemed that we were too exhausted now to actually do anything or say anything else because we'd drained our energy from a pillow fight. However, it's immense flare from coming outside from the window opened up my eyes and pulled me away from the bed. I pushed myself away and slowly started to head towards it just as Nathan and Corinne pulled their attention in the same direction I was. I looked back at each of them and Corinne slowly stood to follow my lead to the window while Nathan leant up on his elbow raising his eyebrow at me. Turning back to look at the window I slowly made my way to it, unlatched the lock and opened it wide to only see a complete mass destruction of our villagers home down below.

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