Chapter 36: The Truth Once And For All

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Chapter 36: The Truth Once and For All

Kai meant what he said; he wanted me calm down before I approached Yvette about anything, it was better off that way anyway. As I lay back up against his chest and listened to the lullaby of his heartbeat I was travelled back into a deep sleep working off the last dose of injection which Jayden gave to me. It didn't help how Kai would let his hand journey its way through my hair softly with his head rested gently on top of mine as it was tilted to the side. Sometimes he'd let his hand slip down my arm gently creating goose-bumps all around my body as it tickled me. He did this as I fell into sleep and when I woke back up I noticed he was still doing it and I hadn't moved from my space; his arm was still draped around me and he still held me close to him with a protective instinct about him, I couldn't help but push myself up closer to him and bury my head deeper inside his chest because his presence was warm and loving, I didn't want it to go away but strangely enough when I did this he pulled me closer to him with no hesitation. I looked up at him as he looked down at me, my eyes immediately locked onto the smile inside his eyes and once more I felt short of breath with no understanding to why I felt the way I did. "I heard your siblings looked for you in your room, you might wanna see them," my eyes ignited brightly at the mention of my siblings because I knew and understood I left them with no reason to why except to meet me here at Los Royaux. I hadn't actually believed they would take my advice and do what I say but they did and they were here. "Where are they?" the excitement wasn't hidden inside my voice which Kai knew, he slid out from the bed neatly extending his arm out for me to take with a curt smile on his face. I clasped my hand through the smooth texture and our fingers intertwined with each other softly; he pulled me out of bed gently and we headed out the room back down the corridor past my room to the room next to me. His head directed me to the door and I didn't even knock or wait for someone to let me inside I barged the door open and stood in doorway.

The decor was different from mine and Kai's room, this time the walls were a red burgundy colour while the bed and other antiques stayed their fashion of pined wood, when I looked at the bed the covers were of a pale creamy almost white colour which completely differed my from my room. My eyes swivelled round the area until they landed on the two figures sat on the bed. The shorter figure with huge wings coming out from his back was knelt up on his elbow while the taller figure was led down expanded out across the bed. Nathan's head turned abruptly when he heard the sound of the door open, our eyes sheltered onto each other immediately and a smile brew on both our faces "Willow!" just the sound my name shot Corinne up from the bed and she shared the same expression as I and Nathan shared. I let my hand slip out from Kai's and I ran towards the bed with them on it. They each grabbed me and pulled me onto the bed so we could wrap our arms around each other tightly. I buried my head into each of their shoulders individually while they did the same back to me so I had a head on each shoulder. "You didn't come back when you said you would," we pulled away and Corinne punched me in the shoulder "You said to meet you here and you never showed up," a small uneasy laugh escaped me as I was about to answer "I got side tracked," Corinne shook her head at me bringing back a smile onto her face pulling me back into a tight hug "Don't ever do that again Willow," I sighed heavily but it wasn't a fed up sigh but a relaxed sigh as I finally felt warm and comfortable finally being in the presence of people who were longed in my heart that I wanted to see. With so much crossing my mind I forgot what this felt like, having family around me was something I needed more than anything I just pushed it aside as if it meant nothing for weeks. "I owe you an explanation," I took a deep breath in a heavy voice as the adrenaline tired the energy out of me, but the tepid touch on my shoulder caught me away as Nathan spoke up "It's okay, you don't need to. After you didn't come back and Yvette was getting worried we forced her to tell us what was going on. We know everything, everything from the little small stone to the large. The prophecy, the chaos magic, the elements, I'm apparently cursed so its okay you don't need to explain it to us."

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