Chapter 27: Memory Of Our Past

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Chapter 27: Memory Of Our Past

Because I promised I would never let anything happen to you each word in that sentence kept running through my brain without a stop or a pause button to keep it from spinning. "Willow please tell me what happened?" Hayden kept budging me to tell him what happened when I fell asleep; I couldn't tell him but not because I didn't want to but because it was hard to explain and every time he's asked me I've kept giving him the same answer "It was just another dream, I'm fine honestly," though it would never take with him and I was surprised my answer wasn't getting annoying for him however I guess he was just being concerned. I couldn't get the idea out of my head though and it was stressing me out; too many coincidences happening at once and now this one as well, as much as I liked it and many of the puzzle pieces were starting to come together there was still something inside me that didn't want the puzzle to be completed because once the full image was completed everything would become real and then I'd have no choice but to fix a problem I started. That's what I hated about my story so far, in the beginning I was so full of rage at my father from keeping all this from me and I was eager to complete all this and start this adventure but now that I'm actually in it...I want out I want to prevent myself from going any further because I hate it, I actually despise it so I'm here wishing that I can go back home marry another one of the suitors which my dad brings me and settle down with a normal life because right now that is what I really want to happen. But then regret creeps in followed by despair because if I did all that or if that happened from the beginning then I would never have met Hayden again and then this power would have spiralled through its awakening anyway so maybe that was no prevention to this path of mine and I just have to follow wherever it leads.

"Willow, are you sure your fine?" the voice of Hayden again bringing me out of my daydream though I wasn't pleased because he's asking one of the same questions again and it was starting to get on my nerves. Making this evident I snapped at him "For the last and final time Hayden, I am fine!" my head even snapped in his direction and I could feel my eyes glare towards him but as I did so I could see a startled look to his eyes which he's never done before, there was no way I looked incredibly threatening was there? But it didn't matter "Right so that explains your fine," I watched as he directed his eyes down to my hands so I followed with him and I found the red glow wrapped back around my hands, the fire glowing more than ever. I groaned deeply shaking my hands the best that I could to make the power disappear but it wouldn't go anywhere instead just kept sparking at me making the anger inside me boil again and it became clear I was getting frustrated. My body started to get flustered as I fidgeted in my sit continuously and a small growl started to rise through my throat "Willow, maybe it would help if you started to calm down," but just hearing those words 'calm down' sent the rage flooding through me deeper so it would just increase instead of lowering itself. As my antagonism heightened itself the glow around my hands would start to get thicker and littler flames and sparks were igniting around my hands until it almost covered them completely. "Please stop that...Willow please tone it down a bit," the thing was I couldn't; I found I was no longer angry at him but I was scared my worst fear actually coming true at this very moment. There was no way I could control what was inside of me I feared it, I was scared of it and I was letting it take over "I can't stop it, it won't stop Hayden," the fear in the tone of my voice was clearly evident and now you could see the glow take over the whole of both my hands. "Yes you can I know you can," but I shook my head at him too many disastrous thoughts were entering my brain, telling me that I can't do this and they were right I couldn't do this "Willow your scared I get that but it's living off your fear at the moment and you have to beat that because your stronger than that," I still shook my head in his direction because as much as he believed all that I couldn't believe it for myself.

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