Chapter 8: Is This Only The Beginning?

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Chapter 8: Is This Only The Beginning?

The morning sun hits deep down in the village in front of the castle; its beam vibrates throughout, hitting home upon home using it as an awakening as the villagers start to exit their home, greeting each other before already starting to get to their work. Each and every day a smile was visible on their faces and you could tell they didn't mind their status, even when my presence was known in the village it still didn't bother them. I loved looking down at them, it's peaceful and somewhat enjoyable, and it's something that I guess anybody would long for. I guess that would be different for them, they'd probably wish the life that I have; it's not all that it's cracked up to be. I'm sat on the ledge against my window with my side connected to the side of it; head pressed up against its glass looking down at the perfection my eyes believed was before me. I kept having scans of the dream flash before my eyes and let it mirage throughout my brain. Whenever I thought about it, it made my heart skip a beat hoping that the girl was still alive and everything that happened last night was just a blip; it wasn't real. I couldn't properly after that happened; I felt my parent's leave the room once they believed that I was alright, but how could I be alright after everything that I saw? I was lost in my thoughts as I let my finger trace a pattern on the window but with the sudden knock at my door, I jumped out of my skin. It took me a while to find the voice in my throat; the frog inside blocking it didn't help my words to come out. What did I think was going to happen? Did I fear that the same thing would happen to me, or the ones that I love?

Finally, the frog removed itself and I found my voice once more, "Who is it?" the voice that answered seemed quite low but not so much deep and it definitely had the hint of concern connected to it, "It's just me, can I come in?" the sound of my father's voice didn't frighten me to let the door open, so I said "Yes." It slowly opened with a slight creak that it makes. A little more light entered the room making it bright up evaporating the darkness I tried to leave it in; I looked over to see the looming figure of father make his way into the room. His shadow on the ground started to get increasingly bigger from the sun as he made his way towards me. My gaze found itself look back out the window and hope that this conversation wouldn't take too long as I wasn't in the mood for making a scene out of the events of last night. His presence was known as I felt his hand skim my leg as he sat down opposite me on the window bed. "How are you feeling?" was his first question and his way of trying to start the conversation without feeling a slight awkwardness between the pair of us; all I felt to do was shrug, I wasn't ultimately sure how to answer his question. "Could you tell me what happened?" I didn't answer him, I didn't want to talk about it and why should I? It won't change the facts, it won't change what happened; you can't reverse the past. "Okay, I understand. But answer me this, why didn't you tell me about your other dreams you've been having?" This caught my attention.

My head spun back round to look at him like lightening. His skin reflected off the minimum light coming through the window and his emerald eyes sparkled against it and when you looked into those eyes he knew that he hit a nerve of mine, smashed open a secret I didn't want him to know about. "How do you know about that?" this time he shrugged "It was Sienna wasn't it?" he nodded at me before replying, "When she found you tossing and turning in bed last night after finishing her duties, she started to get worried about you so came straight to us. Course we didn't understand what she meant at the beginning, but after we told her to start from the beginning about all the other dreams you've been having, we too started to get worried and immediately came to check on you and at that point we found you, well you started screaming," I turned away from him again and let my gaze wander back outside the window. I know Sienna did what was best, but I really wish she hadn't involved them, especially my father because now my whole family knows...and probably Alex and his father Jacob. This is turning into the worst morning ever. "Wilhelmina-," I stopped him from going any further, "Don't call me that, you know I hate it when you use my full name," he sighed shaking his head answering "But it gets through to you doesn't it." I didn't reply.

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