Chapter 50: Sacrifice For A Greater Good

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Chapter 50: Sacrifice For A Greater Good

None of us waited for time to pass by and I ignored all the commands Liam kept yelling inside my brain because I didn't want to listen to any of it. I didn't want him changing my mind. Whatever I had to do to save my brother than that's what I would do, because there's nothing else I'd rather do except save him and get this whole situation wrapped up so life could go back to the way it used to be. That was something I never thought I'd hear myself say, but it was the truth. This whole journey has been too much to bear, there's been too many lies and that wasn't the adventure I wanted to lead on with in my life especially find out I hold four elements of four powerful kingdoms as well as controlling an ability labelled as chaos magic because my father decided to sleep with another women who is the Queen of Valhurst also known to be my mother. Though it raises the question to whether or not I'm eligible to rule the thrown of Ivna because of this circumstance or whether or not I'm just a bastard. I don't think it matters because, I don't even know if that's what I want my future to be. My father always said it was but that was maybe because he was covering up his tracks but I'm unsure my idea of going back to normal is me getting married with suitor after suitor or whether my normal is wanting adventure...that isn't like the one I'm on at the moment. Sighing heavily I found myself down at the end of the castle travelling down into the basement following the lead of Alesandro and Jayden behind me. The cracked wooden door appeared in the distance as Alesandro barged it open revealing a dark, old, cobwebbed room seeing it hadn't been touched for what someone could consider as centuries. The last time I stepped into this room was when I was ten years old, thinking I would never step back through after the events that took place but here I was seven years later, heart hammering with worry wondering whether or not this was the best option. I ignored my self-conscious and stepped on through feeling a brush of cold wind travel through every strand of hair spiralling through my plaits.

I moved on inwards taking in every detail that was before me, the table that sat in the centre of the room with a hanging light levelled above it. Trolleys with numerous elements of equipment sat on top of it followed by contraptions with wires and...and...and that was it. I couldn't look anymore because; it brought back too many memories before my eyes but most importantly it brought back the guilt I felt inside when I made the courageous decision to actually let Alesandro experiment on me. My eyes found themselves travelling across the walls noticing how cracked they were, any second or any disruption caused to them you knew they would crumble to the ground in an instant. There was in instinct inside of me making me travel towards the walls so I could analyse them with a closer look. My hand travelled across the crumbled rock feeling its rough texture of delight soon to be vanished in slithers; taking a closer look at the wall I noticed little specks of red carved into the stone, that's when the glow in my hand started to light up feeling the connection to the substance in the rock and I knew it was me who caused the damaged in the area when I let off that explosion. It surprised me how I didn't collapse this place entirely but I let it go and met back up with Jayden and Alesandro at the centre of the room where they had now set everything up to extraction. "So what do we do?" I asked him as he gestured down at the table where I once laid "Place the stone on the table and the machines will do the rest," I nodded at him inspecting the machines with numerous needles and tools ready to electrocute the water element out from the stone. Removing the necklace from around my neck I could feel the heat vibrating out from it, calling out to be as I pushed it away placing it down on the table just as instructed. Alesandro clicked one button and within an instant the machine come alive starting its job of extraction. Inside I wanted this to work, I wished it work for my own personal reasons but there was something else also inside me telling me this was wrong or it would go wrong so I just stood here waiting and wishing.

It felt as if we we'd been there for hours as we watched the machine try and extract the element from the stone but nothing was happening, each time one of the needles went in for attack it come springing back out as if it had been shocked by the stone. We kept watching as the same thing carried on and on so I exchanged looks with the other two men in the basement and they eyed me up "I'm not doing anything, if that's what you're thinking," I stared at them both with a frown. I don't know what's going on but so I just kept staring and the more I did the necklace began moving across the table away from the machining pin pointing at it. I kept watching it travel on its own, it still felt like it was calling out to me, almost screaming now but there was nothing I could do. I found myself paralyzed where I stood with my eyes mesmerised on its actions until I was caught out when the needle pricked the centre of the stone. In an immediate reaction my head started screaming out me, a loud ringing noise filled my ears blocking out everything around me. I couldn't process what was happening, through the blur of my tears I noticed Alesandro typing something on his device and Jayden yelling at his father while I was stuck with the ringing in my ears. I'd never heard something uncontrollable, it was unbearable but the last thing I saw through the tears was the breakage of the machinery. I ducked immediately as the pieces went flying everywhere. There the necklace lay, on the table without a crack evident, or a shard missing. My hands pulled away from my ears as I looked at the two across from me, where they had anger written across all their faces and I knew what they thought especially as the bomb exploded from above causing the ceiling to suddenly collapse on top of us all.

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