Chapter 40: Mother?

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Chapter 40: Mother?

I walked down the deserted halls of the castle in Los Royaux with Ziva and Shawn making my way to find the others. I realised I'd been gone a for almost a whole day because by the time we got the ship to dock back in the kingdom the sun had began to set in the distance. Shawn made his decision, and thankfully he made the right decision. From the moment our conversation ended I knew he'd made his decision, but it was strange I had no control over it but the water element made me feel what Shawn was feeling when I had him restraint. I knew I shouldn't have felt what he felt but it just sort of happened and from that moment, I knew he didn't want to stay in the position he was in. The look in his eyes at the mention of Ziva's name was unbearable, with just one look at him you could see how lost and alone he felt through the world he was living in. One thing I was glad about was the fact I finally got to meet Ziva after all this time. I'd obviously heard and seen a lot about her that it was becoming a mystery to whether or not we'd actually cross paths and now we have but at the right exact moment I've found out where to find the source of the water element...could that be a coincidence. I had to get that information to Hayden, Kai and Taylor as soon as possible but as of this moment I needed to tell everyone about Ziva, in my head I had an idea to how this may plan out but at the same time it could go horribly wrong because as far as I am aware Ziva is Xira's lost daughter, well it's been said she'd been lost but I think there's more to the story than that though it's none of my concern.

The three of us carried on walking down the deserted hallway until I could finally hear familiar voices coming from inside one of the rooms. As I got closer I recognised whereabouts we were and that was right outside the dining hall where I ate earlier that day. Immediately I stopped in my place so I could turn and face the two behind me "You two stay here for a second, I'll come and get you in a second I promise," I made direct eye contact with Shawn to create communication between us so he could understand what I was going in there to do hoping he would understand. Thankfully, he did as he nodded his head at me and let me proceed inwards through the door. "This is the second time she's gone missing!" I heard a voice yell inside the room "Could you blame her?! You dumped a shocking pile of news on her which you should have told her from the beginning!" another voice yelling to the voice who spoke before "Look maybe she just needs space, time to clear her head!" A new voice entering the conversation "Then why didn't you go with her, because it seems you're taking the news particularly well," the same voice from the beginning who I know recognised to be Yvette. "Trust me, I'm not taking the news well I just have a different way of dealing with it. Willow and I aren't the same person we handle things differently," now that voice was definitely recognisable to be Hayden "You two stop arguing this isn't helping the situation," to finish the trio off that was definitely Xira. I sauntered over to the where they all were and stood next to Kai who was stood next to Taylor and Nathan stood next to her watching the conversation between the other three. I was unsure to where Corinne was but that wasn't much of my concern at the moment.

I finally reached Kai's side and watched the conversation just as they were as it seemed to start getting interesting "What are they all arguing about?" I asked Kai keeping my gaze fixed on Hayden, Yvette and Xira. "They're wondering where you've been all day since no one has been able to find you since you went to the market," I don't think Kai realised what he was saying, I think he's so fixed on the argument he hasn't even realised that I've turned up next to him "What? I can't even go a day now without having someone know where I am, this is getting ridiculous," I moaned at him as we just stood there still watching "Tell me about it," then there was a slight pause within his sentence as I looked up at him I watched his eyes widen in shock before looking down back at me "Willow?!" that caught everyone's attention as all heads spun to look in my direction. "Where have you been?!" Yvette screamed at me walking towards me with frustration written all across her face. The scowl didn't faze me, I just looked back at her with disgust on my face beginning to walk past her "What's it to you?" I didn't turn back as I still walked away from her "Because your my niece and it's my job to make sure that you're okay," a slight laugh escaped my mouth which I knew it shouldn't have done but it just happened. "Yea and that was also my father and mother's job and look where it's got them and now you as a matter of fact," nothing came next from Yvette except from a loud sigh which came from her as I carried on walking towards Xira. "Willow, what's wrong? I know that look from anyone," my head shook at Xira as she took hold of my hands in worry "Nothing's wrong Xira, possibly quite the opposite," she raised her eyebrow at me as I went back over towards the double doors and opened them beckoning Ziva and Shawn to enter the room.

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