Chapter 39: If You Still Have A Voice, Use It

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Chapter 39: If You Still Have a Voice, Use It

I couldn't believe who was standing right in front of me; it didn't make sense with so much coming true all at once how come this was too? It wasn't a bad surprise but at the same it wasn't a good surprise because the girl who stood in front of me had no idea who I was and I only vaguely remember memories of her and I together and there were little parts I learnt from Hayden but that's all. So here she stood with the same green streak falling through her with a strange boy at her side but it just didn't make sense if she was on her mother's home island why didn't she go home meaning she has no memory at all; so why does Hayden and Jayden have their memories but Ziva and I don't? Well to be fair if I remember rightly Jayden never had his memory wiped so in reality why is Hayden the only one with his memory intact? I'm asking too many questions all at the wrong moments, I need to deal with the problem in front of me I need to handle Ziva and this boy she's with and get some more answers...and just when I was onto something with that ruby necklace. "Why am I here?" I got straight to the point but I made direct eye contact with Ziva leaving the boy out of the picture "Your here because apparently your of high importance to somebody," it wasn't Ziva who spoke back at me but in fact the boy I was avoiding eye contact. I tilted my head over at him now breaking the gaze between Ziva and me so I could stare the bow down "Was I asking you?" I waited for no response back as he was just about to open his lips to talk "No I wasn't so stay out of it," a serious glare formed across his face before I looked back at Ziva without confirmation from her friend. "Word's gone round from numerous island that the king from Shadowwyn is looking for the oldest princess of Ivna goes by the name of Willow and a huge description went out to what she looks like and it was instructed that she be returned to him alive," I rolled my eyes at her and mumbled flinging my arms in the air "Great now he's making me sound like I'm his property, that's just what I need," before I pushed myself up off the ground and looked at Ziva directly "No offense princess, I'm not going anywhere with you or your friend over there so you can forget it. Good day to you."

I swivelled past her nicely so I could get by and start to make my way out of the cave we were under so I didn't have to stay a moment longer and right now I didn't have much interest in bringing Ziva home with me since she has no memory, Xira wouldn't be able to handle it...probably, and I have more pressing matters on my hands than going back to Alesandro. Though it was no use as she grabbed hold of my wrist turning me back round to face her. As she did, I could see deeply through her emerald eyes, how brightly they shone with the tone of seriousness and the power she held across my wrist was incredibly unbearable as I was surprised at the amount of strength she contained "Let go of me," I asked her politely as I began to feel the fire boiling inside my veins but she didn't move nor did the tone about her change "We can't let you go, Shawn has a job to do and considering a rumour has gone out that he needs you back then something tells me he wants you badly otherwise the king wouldn't look so needy, so no offense princess but we're taking you back there whether you like it or not," I glared at her profoundly before twisting my head round to look at the character called Shawn before looking back on Ziva "You guys have no idea who you're dealing with do you?" each of them looked at each other for reassurance before looking back on me with clueless faces "I'm not gonna regret this," I let my power evaporate within my hands as the pair of them looked at it with different expressions. Ziva seemed astounded as if she'd never seen anything of the sort before whereas when Shawn looked at it he was more alarmed not with fear but with stupidity "Neither am I," just as I was able to raise my hand to whip Ziva off me I felt my weight be pulled backwards against something hard followed by a prick in my neck and once again I could feel myself faded out into the darkness. The only thing I could hear next was the echo of shout escaping from Ziva yelling "Why did you do that for?! I could have reasoned with her!" that's when I knew I was gone and I felt weightless.

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