Chapter 35: Light On A Hidden Subject

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Chapter 35: Light On a Hidden Subject

"Yvette I cannot believe you brought Willow here without my consent. What were you thinking?! I thought Alesandro got his hands on her?" I was hid behind the rails on the stairs with Liam as we peeked through the gaps to find below us Yvette and my father were arguing. "We made a decision that it was best to bring her here away from all that. How did you even find this place?" Yvette was keeping her calm towards my father but I could tell that she wanted to burst open anytime soon and release her anger on him. "I followed you as I knew you probably did something like always, and what do you mean 'we' I had no hand in this?" Yvette was shaking her head placing her hands on her hips "Xira and I decided alright and she's safe her, he doesn't know where this place is he'll never get to her if she's hidden," There was a softness to Yvette's tone showing that she wasn't afraid or alarmed by this man. "Yvette that's not the point, I'm her father I have to look out for her not you, not Xira no one now please I'm taking her home where she belongs," his eyes diverted upwards to see two small figures sat peering through the bars. His eyes landed straight on me "Come on Wilhelmina, it's time to head home now," I sighed heavily exchanging a look with Liam as we wrapped our arms around each other as a goodbye "Our promise still stands whether your hear or not," he whispered in my ear; I released a small smile with him as we departed ways and I headed down the stairs but I felt Yvette's hands rest on my shoulders. She made eye contact strictly with her brother for a second before kneeling down in front of me "Willow listen to me, whatever happens never take this off," she gently wrapped round my neck a ruby gemstone connected to a silver chain "You understand me, never take it off and if something happens," she met her gaze up towards Liam sat on the top step, I followed her gaze as he looked down at the pair with extreme sad puffy eyes before gazing back to me "You'll get rid of it, you'll hide it where no one will find it," I nodded at her immediately clutching hold of the ruby tightly in my grasp. I hid it inside my dress before hugging Yvette as tight as possible before I walked over towards my father. He placed his hand in mine delicately and we both ventured out into the cold "What did Yvette give you Willow?" he asked me with curiosity as we walked through the snow "A necklace," I pulled it back out and looked at it closely, it glistened brightly against the light and it's carved sharp fitted nicely around the chain and inside it almost had this red swirling image spiralling inside, I smiled at it and let it so my father and I could walk back up to the castle in peace. Something inside me said there was more to this necklace than what it's made out to be.

I pushed through the darkness and could feel myself breaking through back to reality. I could feel warmth from the sunlight coming through from the right hand of the room. I could now feel a soft texture wrapped around my body which I was clutched hold of us and I could feel my head propped up slightly and the texture I was led on was quite puffy and it smelt quite fresh. I let my eyes flicker slightly before letting them open completely; when they were opened fully I recognised the place I was in from one of my dreams. I was led on the same bed which had deep burgundy covers, there were the same wooden poles holding the bed together, the walls shared the same pale cream colour, the desk lay settled on the left hand side of the room and to my right stood the balcony letting the light seep on through and make contact with my skin. I tilted my head to the side slightly to see Hayden asleep in the chair beside the bed. I fidgeted around slightly and felt something odd, I looked down and noticed my wrists were bandaged up and underneath the now new nightgown I was wearing my ribs had been bandaged up as well. My hair seemed to be out of the plaits Livy created for but instead now looked as if it had been brushed and fell back down my back gently. I heard a stir come from the side of me and noticed Hayden started to wake up; when his eyes landed on me a small smile carved onto his face "How you feeling?" I nodded at him and rested back down inside the bed "You lied to me," he lowered his head so he couldn't make eye contact with me making me understand that he did hide something from me and maybe is hiding more "I never lied to you Willow, I just didn't tell you everything," I laughed at him slightly "So you admit that there's more to be said. You admit I disappeared that night." His head lifted once again at me locking blue on blue through our eyes as he tried being serious with me "Yes, you did. We searched and searched but we couldn't find you anywhere that was until we found you outside of the gates shivering, cold and blue skinned. We couldn't tell you because we didn't know how you'd react but more than that you're someone who wants answers and we couldn't tell you with no answer to give on how you got there. It's still a mystery to us all and we don't know how to explain it but it happened. I don't know what else to say."

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