Chapter 38: Looks Can Be Deceiving

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Chapter 38: Looks Can Be Deceiving

"Willow listen to me, whatever happens never take this off," she gently wrapped round my neck a ruby gemstone connected to a silver chain "You understand me, never take it off and if something happens," she met her gaze up towards Liam sat on the top step, I followed her gaze as he looked down at the pair with extreme sad puffy eyes before gazing back to me "You'll get rid of it, you'll hide it where no one will find it," I nodded at her immediately clutching hold of the ruby tightly in my grasp. I hid it inside my dress before hugging Yvette as tight as possible before I walked over towards my father. It was playing around in my mind; out of everything that could be crawling around up there it was that one moment. Surely I had bigger things to worry about than a necklace, but then what was so special about it? I felt myself wake up to bright daylight spreading across the room making everything look incredibly vibrant; a warm presence was still wrapped around my body so when I looked up Hayden was led there with his arm still wrapped round my shoulder while sleeping on his back. I moved away from him slightly trying not to wake him up but it didn't seem to work because as soon as I moved a centimetre he fidgeted in his spot and opened his eyes blinking a few times from the light "Were you sneaking out?" he asked curiously raising an eyebrow my way. I moved my weight back up against in as he kept his arm round my shoulder laughing at him "No, I didn't want to wake you up. There's a difference," I smiled brightly up at him as we sat in silence for a little while taking in the heat coming in from the sunlight creeping through the window across from us. As my hair dangled down in front of me, I wrapped a strand of it round my finger and started fiddling with it so I could daydream about what I keep seeing. A necklace, a necklace I no longer own which I should be wearing, which I should never have taken off unless I needed to and when or if it came to that I had to hide it somewhere no one would ever find it. Why would I do that? Plus it was a very pretty necklace so why did I get rid of it? There has to be some meaning behind all this so I had to get some answers. " any chance when we were younger you didn't see me wearing a red necklace at all did you?"

I looked up at him as he looked down at me seeming puzzled at first but then he had a light bulb form over his head as he remembered something "As a matter fact you did. It was at least a two or three weeks before everything happened, I'd never seen it before neither did Ziva and every time we wanted to take a look at it or hold it you got all funny with us and said we couldn't touch it. You kept saying how you weren't a loud to take it off then told us back off, you were pretty strict about it. I'd never seen you so fond of something like that before," I frowned slightly at his words because I couldn't understand them well at least I wasn't imagining this. "What happened to it?" now his eyes crossed at me "I thought you still had it?" I shook my head at him so now we were both equally puzzled. If I didn't know where it was and he doesn't know where it is, then where the hell is it? I guess I just answered my own question, Yvette told me as a child 'if something happens, you'll get rid of it you'll hide it where no one will find it' and I guess that's what I did but now I so badly wanted to find it. Though I can't, I have more pressing agendas to attend to such as saving my brother's like and saving the four kingdoms, the necklace can wait until that is over and done with. "Hey, is there a chance that there are clothes that aren't dresses I can switch into?" I asked Hayden as he laughed at me; he slid out neatly from the bed indicating me to follow him. I did so and we headed back to my room, he headed towards the wardrobe and opened it wide so I could see what lay inside. Instead of multiple dresses hung from the bar inside there were numerous skirts, and top corsets all ranging from different colours such as black, grey, burgundy, teal and white. I pulled them all across the rail admiring them all as I went as they all bore a different design each time then I came across coats and clocks ranging of various designs and materials. I looked at Hayden with wide eyes as he nodded and smiled towards me finishing with the comment and indication "And your boots are in the closet over there," I ran over towards the closest and there I found were stacks and stacks of boots. They ranged all types of sizes, some were really tall which could reach all the way up to my knees, some were normal ankle boots and some were mid-way boots but each looked stunning.

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