Chapter 32: The Light and The Dark

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Chapter 32: The Light and the Dark

"Willow you need to be careful here. Something doesn't feel right; keep an eye out please and be wary," hearing Liam's voice inside my head is always comforting, at least it usually is when he isn't sending warnings my way. I let my eyes flutter open to let the daylight of a new day creep through the window across the room letting it's ray's reflect off the triple mirror in front of me sending sparkles all round the room. I blink twice letting my eyes get used to the light as well as letting Liam's warning pass through my brain. To repeat his words, 'you need to be careful, something doesn't feel right; keep an eye out please and be wary' what is there to be concerned about, nothing bad is going to happen here. Surely not; it didn't matter, I shook it off and slid out of the bed I lay in. I let my legs dangle off the side for a second and started to take everything in again, it wasn't just about my surroundings it was about everything; I lifted my hand up and let a little piece of the magic spiral around my hand while I looked at it. That's when I couldn't see the bad inside it; instead I saw the beauty with it. "Good morning miss," I shook the magic away jumping in my seat; my head diverted to look over towards the girl who just came round the corner of the door, Livy. "Oh morning Livy," I couldn't help while looking at her think about Sienna, for some reason I was missing her more than I thought I would do which I found strange. "Would you like me to help you get ready this morning miss?" I nodded my head slowly at her just as she smiled walking towards the extremely large wardrobe. My head followed her lead soon followed by my body as I pushed myself up from the bed and circled it. As I looked inside the wardrobe I noticed numerous dresses hung up next to each other "I'm sorry Livy, why are there so many there?" she spun round to look at me while pulling out a nice teal dress, it floated neatly down to the ground from the georgette material; it had a cute heart shaped bust round the top with shoulder straps at the side. Along the heart bust there were small little sequins heading from one end to the other while the rest of the dress remained plain which I didn't mind at all.

Livy indicated me to head towards the barrier like I did the previous night while answering my question "Alesandro wanted to make sure you had something to wear while you stay here," she told me as I pulled off my night gown but I was laughing at her "How long does he think I'm staying here?" but she gave no reply. I was left with a sudden silence as she started to move slowly while helping me slip into the dress. She zipped the back immediately before directing me to the three mirrors again urging me to sit down which I did as she messed with my hair again. She started to brush it through neatly tugging harshly upon each not that came her way before pulling tow strands of my hair back twisting them together before creating a mini plait down the back of my hair. I've made her incredibly tensed I noticed, it was as if I touched a sensitive topic which wasn't to be discussed. I was next handed a pair of shoes, luckily they weren't any high heels instead were just small pumps. "Breakfast is being served which I must take you to," I slipped into the little pumps quickly because Livy was already out of the door so I sped up to follow her lead. "Livy, look I'm sorry if I said something out of place, I was just curious that's all," but I got nothing from her. Why was I now being cut off from her? It was a simple question I asked and now she's making it out to be a big deal and I couldn't understand why. I followed her down the same cuts and corners I did the previous night before we ended up back at the double doors which entered the hall I was in the previous night. She pushed them open aggressively while gesturing her hand open for me to enter, I did without another word but as I entered I looked back around as she slammed the door with the same amount of pressure as she opened it. I stared at the door for a few moments with my eyes wind still curious with her behaviour towards me. "Willow? Is everything alright?" I looked round to see Alesandro out of his seat almost leaning over to see if everything was okay. I nodded at me starting to make my way over to the table. I took the same seat I was sat in last night facing Jayden and next to his father.

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