Chapter 7: Dreaming Thickens

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Chapter 7: Dreaming Thickens

There I stood amongst I place I didn't recognise, though in some odd way it did seem very familiar to me. It was clear I was in the presence of another kingdom; well at least I thought it was a kingdom. It was definitely different to Ivna; it was smaller that was information easily gathered just by the surroundings. Something seemed different about this kingdom as soon as I started to move further into the scene. It was very peaceful and everyone interacted with each other with politeness suggesting no sense of danger and terror within their home; each activity taking place was the same as what we had back home, except maybe a few other things. The only thing different about all of this though were the people themselves. If you took a closer look at them, some would bear a mark. It was marked on them in all different places, some would have this mark carved into their neck, on their shoulder or on their wrists, you could possibly even bet on their ankle. The mark each bore represented a different position of the moon, some bore a crescent, some a gibbous and some a full moon. That's what made this place seem different from the rest. The more I walked into the kingdom the marks were becoming more vibrant to me and I could see more clearly; as well as this some had small scars across them which seem to have been caused by something sharp...claws possibly. What was happening in this kingdom?

I seemed to find myself at the palace gates; my eyes wondered upon two people sat outside them. I knew them automatically; it was the same boy and girl who were in my last dream. He still had that blue streak going through his hair and the girl he was with still had a smile on her face; they both kept evident the bond between them couldn't be broken. The question which ran through my brain right now was; why was I dreaming about them? The scene seemed to dissolve around me and the sweet images I had seen before had now been demolished into complete destruction. Fire seemed to be taking over the whole kingdom and it only got bigger and bigger. I couldn't feel the heat against my skin though it was as if I was a ghost in this scene so maybe this wasn't actually happening right now. I was making it all up in my head. It was unclear to me because everything did seem so real. The villagers' screams, the running footsteps trailing after one another, the more concentration I would pay the heat started to transfer into my body and I knew at that point this was all real. An immediate instinct, a reaction that hit me was I needed to find that boy and girl. Were they hurt? Were they okay? Are they going to be? With the questions pounding in my head, my steps turned into a run but with a sudden halt in my tracks.

Stood in front of me they were there, followed by someone else. Again I recognised this person from my last dream; it was the boy that I seemed to be very close with. His red hair darkened against the flames around him and his eyes burned with danger and somewhat betrayal. There he stood face to face with the boy from earlier and within his hold stood the girl. He made sure that she was held in a tight headlock holding her back away from the boy he was facing. I moved closer to the scene before me now evidently seeing the fear in the others boy's eyes as he looked upon the girl who shared the same emotion. "Jayden let her go please, she doesn't have any part in this...please she's my sister," I could hear the tremble in the boy's voice as he didn't take his eyes off his sister "Then take the offer," the boy named Jayden spoke formally with such confidence in his ways. My body moved around and stood next to the boy looking upon his sister and let my hand fall down into his even though I knew he wouldn't be able to feel it. I don't know why I did it, a sense of hope, reassurance that his sister was going to be okay, or was I really trying to hold him back, I honestly didn't know. But was it a glitch, did his hand actually link with mine as he fingers curled up within my own.

"No don't take it, its okay, I'll be okay," the angelic voice of the girl spoke trying to show no fear but we all knew that wasn't true. The boy next to me took a deep breath, sighing heavily looking upon the girl with tears welling up in his eyes. "Maybe this will help change your mind," with a sudden snap of the girls neck her body collapsed to the ground with no longer an immediate life of breath. In unison both I and the boy screamed "NOOO!!!"

I shot up from the bed suddenly still screaming out. My body was shaking dramatically and I felt the cold trickle of sweat fall down my forehead slowly. "Willow calm down, your okay!" I heard the voice of my father sit next to me; I felt his arms wrap themselves around my body holding it against his tightly. I felt my body carry on shaking against him, as he ran his fingers through my hair while whispering soothing things to me to try and calm me down, but I couldn't get the image out of my head. He killed her, Jayden, or whoever he was, he killed that girl. Amongst the tears that were welling inside my eyes I could see that both my siblings were at the edge of the bed exchanging looks with each other and my parents worriedly, that's when I found my mother sat on the other side of the bed holding my hands. "Don't let anyone in here," I heard my father say to someone to the side of him, I got a quick gaze of who they were just before they left for it to be Sienna. "Corinne please go get a bowl of water and a few towels," Immediately Corinne did as she was told from our mother as I slowly started to calm down against our father. "That's it Willow."

Corinne hurriedly came back into the room carefully carrying a bowl of water with a few towels hanging from her curved arm. She took her place back on the edge of the bed handing over the bowl and towels to our mother before taking hold of my hand which our mother dropped. She dipped the towel into the water before carefully tapping it over my forehead replacing the sweat with cold water. I could hear myself taking deep breaths as all this was going on; with dad's hand running through my hair I could feel myself starting to feel tired once again "Alright guys go back to bed, she'll be fine you can see her in the morning," I heard dad's voice instruct the other two back to their rooms "Can we not stay with her?" I heard Nathan's voice plead against our fathers but I feel his chin move from where it was laid upon my head as an instruction of no, so they did as they were told and left the room silently. I jumped at the sound of my door closing and I didn't understand to why I did. I felt my body start to shut down again this time probably from exhaustion and tiredness "Try and get some sleep Willow, we'll talk in the morning," I heard a faint echo of dad's voice as I could feel myself fade off back into the darkness. As I did, I hoped and prayed I wouldn't see any of that again because I knew I wouldn't be able to take it and as well as that, I prayed deeply that it wasn't real. 

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