Chapter 23: Oro Encantandor

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Chapter 23: Oro Encantandor

As I watched the sun finally make its set and the twilight night eventually took over the sky a sense of adrenaline took over my body. It wasn't the same type of adrenaline I got down in the training arena with Taylor, it was a different kind. It's hard to explain the feeling was great and I didn't want it to go away. As Crystal took flight in the air I watched as her scales glistened against the stars which shined down on her followed by her camouflaging against the deep blue night. She was remarkable in every single way and I loved her; from such a short time we have known each other I could feel that bond between the pair of us and I knew that she would do anything to protect me as I would her. She's already proven this me I just hope one day I can do the same. The higher Crystal would fly into the air the smaller the kingdom of Ivna would disappear below us and I would get a gut wrenching feeling tear inside my stomach. The candle light which passed through the village slowly dwindled into looking like small fireflies just like the castle did. The quicker Crystal flew away from the scene the better I thought because, as we tore away from the world I once knew the quicker the pain of guilt would flood out of my heart and the sense of betrayal to my father would fade away. Not to mention my siblings, as I watched the scene behind me disappear I felt pain for them...I am just like my father and I've left them in the dark like he left me. At least I can be slightly satisfied with the fact I gave them direction to go to Los Royaux because I wasn't lying, there they can find answers just not from me never from me. "Willow, you're doing the right thing?" just at the image of my kingdom disappeared below us Hayden' voice spoke up. I looked away from the water which now laid below and made eye contact with him instead.

I cocked my head slightly to the side producing a sincere look on my face "Am I though? Is this the right thing or was there another way to get around all this?" He laughed at me shaking his head "Willow, deep down you know there isn't. After everything you have heard from Yvette and from me you can't push it all aside. The only way to move forward is to fix everything, to fix everything we lost," I shook my head thinking about the stories I've been told and thought how not everything can be fixed. A friendship can't be fixed not when one us has already taken a long manipulation path to despair and hatred and I'm pretty sure Hayden could see what I was thinking on face "Okay so maybe Jayden can't be fixed but who cares about him. He chose his path now he has to live with it; we fix what can be fixed. We'll find Xira get your memories back and then move on from there just stick to what we know for now and don't look back look forward because what's happened in the past doesn't matter anymore, what happens is right now," I cocked my head back to normal and look at him pressing a curious smile on my face "How do you come up with things like that?" he shrugged his shoulders at me and sighed "I don't it just comes out," now it was my time to laugh; I paid my attention back in front of me to see Kai and Taylor far up ahead. Kai was a strange character to me; there was something about him that got me curious and I couldn't put my finger on what it was. I didn't like his sarcasm and his nature to thinking that he's all it and he knows what's best, I reckon that will creep up on him one day and get the better of him. At least I hope it will.

Though when I stared at him there was something there I couldn't grasp hold of, I watched as the flick of his hair blew backwards from the wind and when he turned his head to look behind at Hayden and I, I could see his eyes sparkling and he gave me this flirtatious look by raising his eyebrows twice at me and curving his lips into a mischievous smile. The way he was looking at me was a way of toying with me, a way to get under my skin and annoy me and from it I could feel my blood run cold but there was something else I could feel. When he looked at me with that look I could feel my eyes squint at him with a deadly glare as well as a small shake of my head. He looked away still smiling but instead of the mischievous smile he brought back the smirk as if to say he succeeded in what he wanted to do. However, when he looked away I could still feel my eyes squinting, piercing on his back as if I wanted to drill deep down through. "You're staring," I heard the echo of Hayden's voice come from behind me. I shook my head immediately and looked back round at him "No I wasn't," I tried defending myself back but with the look he was giving me, my convincing one probably wasn't as convincing as I probably thought it was "I wasn't staring," I spoke again almost sounding desperate in my plea to make sure he believed me. He threw his hands up in surrender at me laughing "Alright if you say so, but I know what I saw," immediately I elbowed him in the stomach just as he quickly hunched forward to protect it "Yea I rest my case," I looked back round with smirk on my face feeling quite accomplished with myself. "Just out of curiosity, how'd you know him?"

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