Chapter 52: Hunting For Prey

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Chapter 52: Hunting for Prey

As the days passed into weeks and the weeks passed into months, the four kingdoms remained as quiet as they could be. But as the days carried on through little by little attacks rampaged the villages as well as any neighbouring kingdoms nearby as the power searched for its prey. Little did they know, its prey was also hunting it but everywhere each other looked they found themselves going in the opposite direction. Everyone believed I died after the attack at Shadowwyn, there had been no sign of my existence and it had to stay that way which is what I've been doing. Every time I reached the attacks on the villages I was always too late, the fire caused debris everywhere and the villagers cried out for their families. Liam was searching high and low wherever he was but every time I helped the village I went in the direction I knew I could possibly find him but he was never there or there was no sign of any civilisation living in the area. It wasn't just that, every time I finished helping the villagers I had to leave immediately due to the fact Hayden and everyone else made an appearance assessing the damage. I couldn't just leave entirely sometimes I would watch them from up above only because this was the closest I could get to them and believe me it was painful to watch and to bear. Though it didn't matter because I knew by getting them involved I'd be putting everyone in danger. It wasn't their fight and I knew that so staying away from each of them was for the best. Every now and again I would head back to Ivna just to keep an eye on Nathan and Corinne. It was great to see Nathan no longer dealing with the wings attached to his back; the black silk of wings were gone as was its beauty but it was for the best and in its in place was the glowing sapphire of the water element. It all seemed natural to him and it was brilliant to see him grab a hold on it so quickly.

But also watching it made my heart ache which is why I couldn't stay for long because I didn't want my heart to ache with regret. I also checked up on Hayden and Ziva back at Los Royaux from time to time, it was great to see Ziva settling in with everything around her and it seemed clear she had been told what was happening in the world even about herself as it appeared she unlocked the air element inside of her. But the atmosphere inside the kingdoms was devastating because the light disappeared and no one seemed happy about the circumstances that took place months ago and due to the disasters that kept on appearing it had them all on edge since they didn't know where it was all coming from. Checking up on them was always a bad idea as it always made me feel sick to the stomach but it was something I needed to fulfil my day and sometimes as bad as it would seem I thought maybe it would be a great way in drawing Liam out of his hiding place. That's when I rejected against the idea because I didn't want to hurt the people I cared about even I stopped. "So you haven't been able to get any sight of him yet?" Ash called from downstairs while I was in my bedroom. From time to time I would return back to the cottage with Ash to see how he was holding up but to also lay low for a while and rest, besides it was a great way for each of us to catch up with each other to see if one of us found out anything interesting while being separated. "No, he attacks and then disappears. If he's trying to grab my attention it's working, but hiding afterwards is strange," I heard Ash hum in distress from my answer while I headed into the bathroom "What do you think he's waiting for?" it was hard question to answer because I was unsure, it was clear Liam was waiting for something but the question was what it was exactly and that's when it hit me "What if he's not waiting for something, what if he's looking for something?" I heard footsteps come up the stairs and walk towards the door I was behind. I opened it up and poked my head to see Ash sat on the floor with his leg bent and his foot pressed flatly against the wall opposite him. "What do you mean?" he looked up at me with curiosity while we locked eye contact "Well the ruby, it locked him in there before because it saw that he was a threat, what if he needs the shards to make sure it won't happen again or he wants the power the ruby holds."

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