Chapter 15

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Python 80 and a Professor


Normal POV

"This is unit python number 80, I got the target in my sights."

A young assassin said through his earpiece while he was using his binoculars to spot his said target.

"Copy that number 80. Help is on your way to your location."

A voice sounded from his earpiece.


The young assassin responded as he went back to his duty being the eyes for the team.

An assigned group of assassins were given an assignment to hunt down a drug lord that was part in the most wanted blacklist. Being part of it means that he's dangerous, so he was placed a bounty on his head.

"Hey Nagisa..." Out of the midst while in a reckon mode, someone called out the young assassin's name from his other side.

"What is it Karma? I thought I told you to call me by my call sign?" Nagisa complained while taking his tone a little low since they were in hiding.

"Sorry, I got to call you by habit. Anyway, look over there." Karma apologized for a second before they switched their attention to whatever he just found. He pointed a finger at the direction he just spotted.

"What do you think? Are they drugs?" Karma asked his colleague.

Nagisa went for a look with his binoculars at the direction Karma pointed at. It was a warehouse. However, it was open and had its lights on. Guards and gunmen were also at the vicinity, so he had a suspicious idea of what those men are loading into the building.

"Beats me, I don't know exactly what's in there. But whatever it is, it must be illegal." Nagisa said.

It's been years since both of them graduated from high school and then college. The two of them were together since those days, even though, Karma repeated high school while Nagisa was in college. After that, they decided to work for the government, or the military so to speak of, to continue their training on being assassins. They were taken in by Mr. Karasuma as his agents, and they work for him now.

"This is Python number 80, permission to uncover our surveillance. Target is a warehouse and we wish to sneak in, over." Nagisa spoke through the small transmitter on his ear.

"Negative number 80. Wait for backup to get there." The radio transmission was received and sent from HQ, maintaining the main plan for this mission.

"...understood." After hearing the response from HQ, Nagisa paused for a while before he accepted the instructions from their supervisors.

He was irritated deep inside, knowing the fact that they weren't reliable enough to carry out missions by themselves, naming Nagisa and Karma, even though this is their 8th mission of the month.

"What's the order, chief?" Karma asked Nagisa.

Nagisa sat backwards and heave out a deep sigh and said, "HQ is against it. We should wait for backup."

"Oh, well I guess that's how it should be. The older ones get the credit while we find the bounty by ourselves. This ain't fair you know." Karma complained as he also sat back to rest for awhile. What he said though made Nagisa a little more disappointed.

There's no helping it, though. We're still under training, therefore we should listen to whatever HQ has to say to us.

Nagisa thought to himself. He shouldn't make any reckless decision. This is real, this ain't like the time that they were still back in class during junior high. Once you're caught, it's game over. That's how it works outside their world.

>>> Time Skip

"Alrighty then, that's class for today! Be sure to finish your homework and pass it tomorrow. That is all." A teacher dismissed his class and walks outside the classroom.

"Nagisa-sensei!" At the time as he closed the door, 3 students came running towards him and handed him paper works.

From what you're hearing, Nagisa is also a teacher for the day since it was his main goal of his life. While he teaches in the morning till afternoon, he does his 'assassin' work in the night. The school he's in, is named Paradise High school, a school with junior and senior high school, and a public school nonetheless. He's been a teacher after graduating college.

"What's these, Ayano?" Nagisa asked the student handing over the paper works.

"A group of students came to the student council, and proposed that they wanted to create a club. They did meet the criteria for being a club sir, although..." The girl named Ayano who is the student council president explained the details to her teacher, Nagisa, who was also in charge of giving permissions for clubs to be created.

"What's the problem this time?" Nagisa sighed and asked in worry after Ayano shifted her gaze to her side, and said the last word in a low tone.

"But sir! They've got a weird name for it." Ayano said, almost raising her voice.

"The Assassins club." At the mention of the name, her two fellow council officers chuckled whilst trying to hold their laughter of the said club name.

Nagisa observed the three of them before looking at the papers that are already on his hands.

"Is that all the problem for the club, Ms. Ayano?" Nagisa gazed back at the students, but this time, with a serious look on his face. The two students at each side of Ayano flinched as they saw his eyes and held their mouths for they didn't stop laughing about the new club.

"W-Well, sir..." Ayano was trying to protest, probably against the club to be created. Though, this isn't the first time for her to feel this way. This is already the 3rd time.

"Ayano, let them do their thing, okay? If they won't pose any difficulties for the student council, let them be. Let them create their club." Nagisa slowly descended from his other side and explained the reason calmly.

"Yes, sir." Ayano sighed in defeat and bent her head in dismay.

But Nagisa placed a hand on her shoulder and tries reassure her, "Ayano, one day, you'll learn about how other people's lives are like. Don't worry, I'll take care of these paper works for you."

"Yes, sir. Thank you very much." Ayano calmed down a little bit and said with a smile.

"If there's any problem with the clubs, please don't hesitate to approach me." Nagisa said before he continued to walk on his way to the school faculty.

Assassins club? That's a first. Maybe I should check it sometime.

Nagisa ponders into thinking about the new club being created. He found it strange, yet he was intrigued.


End of Chapter 15

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