73: tomorrow...

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It's Sunday. The day before we go to Paris. I woke up and threw up in the toilet, Harry slept through the entire thing but thankfully Anne was awake and sat with me in the bathroom. It was a little strange as she has never seen me cry, and I did feel a little pathetic to be crying over being sick. She rubbed my back soothingly, and tied my hair back gently. Just like how my mother used to do for me.

"Don't worry, you don't go all of the pregnancy having morning sickness," Anne reassured me as we both stood up and I began to brush my teeth. Anne didn't leave me all alone though, she waited patiently by the now opened bathroom door and smiled at me when we made eye contact in the mirror. I'm so glad Harry's mother is nice, I'm glad his entire family is so lovely and welcoming actually. It makes coming into a new family that much easier and pleasant.

Anne and I walked downstairs, she was dressed for the day and I was in leggings and Harry's top from yesterday. The kitchen was empty when I entered the room with Anne. Gemma had left last night to stay at Jack's flat and Matthew and Justin left too. Harry had gained a very strong bond with Matthew's child, it was a sight to see. I think it made my heart flutter the way it did because Harry's own child is growing in my stomach.

Anne seemed to catch me deep in my thoughts as she sat in front of me at the kitchen table and put down a cup of hot tea for me. "Do you know the gender yet?" She asked. Once we announced the pregnancy we didn't really talk about it anymore, Anne asked how I felt about it all to which I told her I was very excited and that I couldn't wait to experience the rest of pregnancy. But besides that, we didn't really get into too much detail. Anne photocopied Harry's scan picture so she could keep one for herself, and I made a promise to get her own scan photo the next time we go. Which is after our week in Paris, which starts tomorrow.

"After Paris we have another scan to go too, but we won't know the gender for another few weeks," I smiled, sipping my tea.

"Do you want to know?"

"I do, I don't know if Harry does or not," I answered truthfully. The thing with Harry and I was that we weren't talking about the important things, we were just talking about what we would like to happen. Seeing our little boy run in the garden, or our little girl ask to do daddy's make up. So for now we're just rolling with it, I think on the day he will tell me if he wants to know the gender or not. "Do you want a granddaughter or a grandson?" I asked.

"Oh I wouldn't mind whatsoever, I will love and spoil them regardless," Anne grinned. "I am actually very excited, I didn't think I'd be this excited," she laughed, shaking her head. Before I could reply, Harry walked into the room in only a pair of grey joggers hanging awfully low on his hips. He placed a kiss onto my cheek and a kiss to his mothers head before going over to the kettle and pouring himself up a mug of tea when he realised the water in the kettle was still hot.

"Talking about me?" He teased as he slid into the seat beside me, his hand tapping my thigh lightly before both hands were on the table innocently. I scoffed, of course he would assume we were talking about him and his narcissistic ass. Anne simply laughed his comment off, and then went on to talk about Paris and all the sights that were super popular. Of course, Harry and I knew the majority of the places she mentioned, but out of politeness we allowed her to ramble as we listened contently.

Anne began to clean up the kitchen as Harry and I remained at the table, he lifted my legs and rested them over his right thigh, pulling my body closer to his as he rested his hand on the back of my chair. "You must have been up early."

"I was sick, I didn't really fancy going back to sleep afterwards," Harry's eyes widened, then filled with sympathy.

"Why didn't you wake me?" He asked quietly, clearly he didn't want Anne to hear him. "Were you alone?"

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